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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日评论0909 美國政界 應對台灣亂象说話

每日评论0909 美國政界 應對台灣亂象说話

美國政界 應對台灣亂象说話



今天柯主席被關進牢中,眼看近萬名小草年輕人走向街頭希望為他們的心中偶像發聲,已經有七年之久的京華城案再次被檢調偵辦,執政者有意把第三勢力掃進歷史之灰燼中,而這些檢調對於近年來民進黨執政時之贪腐案件確不聞不問 ,這種選擇性辦案打壓異己之做法令人不齒。


U.S. Government Representatives Should Respond To Taiwan’s Political Chaos

Today, the survival and future of Taiwan absolutely depends on the support of the United States. When Ma Ying-jeou was President, 90% of the cabinet members were educated in the U.S. Even today, 

the People's Party have more close relationships with the U.S. and many of them still want to participate in the government.

I remember that before the presidential election in Taiwan, Ko Wen-je, chairman of the Taiwan People's Party, led a delegation to the United States to visit and meet with people in political and business circles. We also gladly arranged for him to hold a symposium with American politicians at our TV studio. It was reported that representatives from the government of Taiwan and many other people refused to receive his delegation.

Today, Chairman Ko was imprisoned as nearly 10,000 youngsters were flooding the streets of Taipei in support of their 

idol and leader. There have been so many corruption cases in recent years, but the case they chose to prosecute was against Ko, which was only intended to sweep the third party forces into the ashes of history.

We strongly suggest that the U.S. Congress needs to send a strong message to the current government and stress that they must treat all politicians equally.