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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日社評0618 我如何躋身於休斯敦社區領袖群中

每日社評0618  我如何躋身於休斯敦社區領袖群中


上週參加了為美國國會議員希拉稹克遜李之祝福祈禱大會, 在非裔牧師領袖狄克森主持之教堂中,來了近二千位社區人士, 非常榮幸我在被邀之列上台講話, 代表華亞裔社區表達我們對這位國會議員對社會貢獻之推崇。

多年來我們成為亞裔新移民之一員, 我們正在遭受許多政客之惡意攻擊並以立法方式公開表達反對華人購買土地,由於中美兩國關係不斷惡化間接影響到華裔在美國之處境。


對我們而言,非裔團體所主張之平等民権是在為我們打頭陣, 在爭取民權反歧視之努力正是和我們的理念不謀而合。

三週前我欣然接受惠特曼市長之提名為休斯敦第一機構董事一職, 將主管制定全市有關經濟文化觀光之未來發展, 這也是對我的一項挑戰,希望能把華亞裔社區帶入主流社會。

How To Ascend To Leadership In The Houston Community As An Asian American

Last week, I attended a prayer meeting for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee that was held at the home church of Bishop James Dixon. Nearly two thousand community members attended the event and I was honored to be invited to speak on behalf of   

the Asian American community. I expressed our deep appreciation for her contribution to society.

As members of the Asian American immigrant community, we have faced malicious attacks from many politicians in recent years. They have even restored legislation to publicly oppose Chinese land purchases.     

The deterioration of Sino-American relations has further been complicated by the current situation faced by Chinese Americans in the United States.

Many Asian Americans who support the Republican party believe that its principle of small government and lower taxes are aligned with the business-oriented mindset of many Asian Americans.

However, the recent increase in anti-Chinese sentiment and the Republican party‘s failure to condemn it have led some Asian American to reconsider their affiliation with the party. They are now seeking for an alternative that can better represent their interests.

Today we are very grateful for the African and Latino political groups that are fighting for all of us. We are so proud to be part of the heart of this country, but we need equal social justice. As a community we need to find ways to navigate this complex landscape and advocate for our needs and rights.