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每日社評 0611 我們和聯邦調查局之一場罕見 [對話會]

每日社評 0611  我們和聯邦調查局之一場罕見 [對話會]

                                                                                                                                                                       图片来源: 路透社

我們和聯邦調查局之一場罕見 [對話會]





墨菲副局長在會上表示對此次會議之高度期望和支持,她強調唯有和社區建立和諧之關係才能為大家提供服務, 她強調中美之間之交流仍然是我們既定之政策。

剛就任不久的聯邦調查局休斯敦分局長威廉姆斯表示,他將極力來推動和當地社區之聯系溝通工作,並希望得到大家之支持, 他們將非常嚴肅之处理對華裔科學家學者及學生之歧視事件。




We Had A Rare Dialogue With The FBI

Last Thursday at the Engineering Building of Rice University in Houston more than four hundred leaders of the Asian community attended a record-breaking dialogue session with the FBI.    The session was led by Deputy Assistant Director Jill Murphy 

from the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division in Washington, DC, along with Houston Field Office Director Douglas Williams and several agents.

In 2022, the Department of Justice ended its China Initiative, a strategy to counter Chinese espionage and threats to U.S. research security after academic and civil rights groups raised concerns about bias and damage to the United States’ scientific enterprises. However, recent media reports highlighted  border entry issues for Chinese graduate students and academic researchers who are green card holders and even American citizens.

The dialogue session was arranged by Professor Steven Pei and organized by the Texas Multicultural Advocacy Alliance of the Baker Institute and the Asian Americans for Justice group.

The meeting provided a platform for the Asian American community to voice their concerns and seek solutions. The ACLU Task Force members expressed the challenges and issues they have faced for many years.

Recently appointed FBI Houston Field Office Director Douglas Williams emphasized his commitment to promoting communication and connection with the local community and requested their continuing support.