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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日社评:0527 台北歸來

每日社评:0527  台北歸來


回到多少年前熟悉的街道和市景,台北變多了,街道及市埸充滿了日本東洋味, 西門町店裡傳來的是東洋音樂,走在街上的年輕男女染上各種顏色之髪型,衣著簡單而時尚, 狹窄的小吃攤擠滿了人.,我們的出現顯得格格不入,因為世界是每天在變之中。


台灣自開放民主選舉之後,政客和媒體名嘴正扮演非常令人震驚之角色,區區一個地方每天不分晝夜都有名嘴在網路和電視上”侃侃而談”,他們的談話和訪問無奇不有, 尤其是台灣前途統獨問題常常爭得面紅耳赤,甚至上演全武行,已經成了娛樂節目。

一位早在華府新聞界呼風喚雨之人物, 年前從美國回到長庚養生文化區養老, 他說基本上回歸到這片深山裡來過日子, 和外界也很少聯繫了。

<一邊一國>和<九二共識>之爭可能引起中美兩國之最大爭議, 台海之軍事演練, 和一般老百姓似乎事不能關己, 這些生活在社會低層的人既無錢財更無地位, 只有任人擺布聽天由命了。

老實說, 我們這一代人是在無戰事之情形下非常幸運的一代, 我們熱切期盼當政者必須擁有非常睿智之判斷力來处理兩岸難題,否則數十年之建設和文明必會毀於一旦。

 Returning To Taipei

Coming back to the streets and city space that I once knew very well, Taipei has changed significantly. The streets and markets are now filled with a Japanese Eastern flair. The music playing in the stores reflects this vibe, and the young men and women on the street sport various colored hair and simple, yet stylish attire. The narrow food stalls are packed with people. Our presence seems out of place as the world in front of us is ever-evolving. 

The KMT party has finally secured the majority in the Legislative Yuan, while the leading politician Han    Kuo-Yu is engaged in physical altercations in the Legislative Yuan, attending to challenging the ruling party to enhance legislative oversight to combat corrupttion. Tens of thousands of people quickly gathered outside of the Yuan, as the fervor spread rapidly through social media. 

The debate between “one China two systems” and “Independent” “1992 Consensus” has sparked the biggest controversy on the island. Truth be told, our generation is fortunate to have lived in times of peace. We earnestly hope that our leaders possess the wisdom necessary to handle cross-strait issues judiciously, otherwise, the decades of progress and civilization could be lost in an instant.