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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日评论 0524 尋找台北的古早味

每日评论   0524  尋找台北的古早味


今晚走進了台北西門町商圈,大樓週邊之巨型灯光招牌, 擁擠的人群及擺滿各種小吃之夜市,年輕們之喧嘩聲,觀光客擠在各型商店中, 令人时光倒流 ,見到的景點和遊客已是人事全非。

我們此刻執意去找尋那家以排骨馳名之<金園排骨>店, 終於在一座大樓之地下室找到了,這種有點老友重逢之感覺, 看到仍然滿頭汗水的老闆仍然在忙碌 ,我想這可能已經是第二代傳承下來,眼看他也滿頭白髮, 我們所熟悉的老廚師可能早已歸天。 當我們坐在擠滿客人之小屋中那陣陣的炸排骨香味撲鼻而來,這股香味勾起了多少年青時之記憶。

那年我在台北新公園中廣公司工作, 每逢晚餐時間最大的享受就是跑到<金園排骨>飽餐一頓,香脆之炸排骨麵, 當時和老闆非常熟識。他常常多給些麵让我這個年青人吃得更飽些,當我把一大碗排骨麵及好湯吃得見底後, 才非常滿足的走出店門, 這家古早味之家鄉麵, 幾十年來深藏我心,不時會想起來….


Seeking Taipei’s Old-Fashion Flavors

Tonight, I stepped into the bustling Sinmemti District in Taipei and was  surrounded by towering buildings adorned with giant LED signs, crowded with many people and various street food stalls. The noise of the youth persisted and with tourists squeezing into all sorts of shops, it felt like a journey back in time, witnessing sights and visitors that have changed over the years, yet somehow remained the same.  

We were determined to find   the renowned, "Jingyuan Pork Restaurant" in Taipei. Finally,            we found it in the basement of a building. There was a clear sense of reunion as we saw the still sweaty old boss working diligently. It felt like this might be the second generation running the place, as the old     familiar chef we knew may have already passed away. Sitting in the cramped room filled with customers, the scent of sizzling pork ribs filled the air. I couldn’t help but be engulfed in waves of nostalgia.