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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日评论 0523 榮耀之時刻

每日评论  0523 榮耀之時刻


[才德咸欽 母校之光]



當我十七歲時進到政大校園和所有政大人同樣之激情,對未來充滿了熱情和希望,但是物質條件之匮乏和經濟條件之不足,让我一直做掙脫貧苦之極大努力。那天終於到來,大二暑假我被破例進入中國廣播公司,從實習生成為助理編輯,頓時在經濟上得到解脫,買了摩脫車甚至穿上西裝,走起路來有些帶風, 從此我深深瞭解,唯有不斷往前推進自己才能戰勝未來。


Glory Moment:

I Received An Outstanding Alumni Award From My Alma Mater, National Chengchi University

Today on the campus of my old university, President Lee handed    me the very special award of Outstanding Alumni. The overwhelming emotions and memories of the past are  vividly etched in my heart as I gazed upon the many teachers and young junior students, which instantly brought back numerous memories of my own youth. 

When I was seventeen, I stepped onto the campus of NCCU with      the same passion and hope for the future as every student. However, the reality of financial constraint forced me to make tremendous efforts to break free from poverty. The day finally came in my sophomore.   

year when I was hired by the China Broadcasting Corporation as an assistant editor up from being an intern. This breakthrough provided me with economic liberation, allowing me to purchase a motorcycle, don a suit and even  walk with a certain air. From then    on I deeply understood that only by continually pushing myself forward could I ever overcome the challenges ahead. 

Throughout our entrepreneurial journey over the past several years, my wife and I and our families and numerous colleagues have always faced challenges in the spirit of “finding a way through uncharted territory and bridging the gap."

The media industry is a noble profession that serves the general public. The pen we hold every day carries the sacred mission of conveying news and information.  We are honored to document          the historical chapter of Asian Americans striving and persevering overseas.