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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日評論 0522 台北的天空

每日評論 0522  台北的天空


民進黨賴清德和蕭美琴今天在台北總統府內,由國民黨籍之立法院長韓國瑜以中華民國國璽交給新任總統副總統,正式開啟賴清德之時代。 在府內之大禮堂大家共唱三民主義,吾黨所宗並向中華民國國父及青天白日滿地紅之國旗行三鞠躬禮,這套行禮如儀之國家大典,確隱藏着令人擔憂之矛盾。

稍後之就職典禮,賴清德表示中華民國和中華人民共和國是兩𠆤不相隸屬之國家 。他告訴全世界台灣是世界之重心,決不會妥協在一個中國之原則下,他要打開和中國大陸之觀光學校交流,但是未見任何政治上之妥協, 中國大陸方面表示反對台獨之強烈聲明。

美國國務卿布林肯發表祝賀賴清德當選台灣總統之聲明, 全世界包括七個和台灣有外交關係之五十多個祝賀團今天川梭在台北街頭。



國民黨雖未執政, 但國會已是多數黨,他們主張兩岸交流並且已經在進行中,六百多個眷村已經組成了中華眷村文化發展總會,由許多眷村出身之外省人第二代領導,極盼加強和中國大陸之交往,這股力量將會是台獨勢力強勁制衡力量。


The Sky Of Taipei

The newly elected president of Taiwan Lai Ching-te was sworn in today in Taipei where the KMT speaker of the Legislature Yuan   

Han Kuo-Yu handed over the seal of the Republic of China to the new president and vice president. In the grand hall everybody sang the three principles of people and paid respects to the founding father of the Republic of China, and three bows to Dr. Sun yet-Shan signifying a ceremonial event laden with hidden concerns. 

At the later inauguration ceremony the new president stated that the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are two separate nations. He emphasized that Taiwan is a focal point in the world and will not compromise on the one China principle. He expressed his full intentions to open up education and tourism. 

In the power play between the two major powers, the autonomy of Taiwan in the compromises of great power politics is questionable. The new government’s perception of its significant global position is yet to be tested. 

I often ponder on the influence that Chinese-Americans have on the political landscape in the United States. Learning from the level of support that Jewish Americans have for Israel may be a valuable lesson 

to inspire Chinese- Americans to support a break in the deadlock of cross-strait relations. 

Although not in power, the KMT party holds the majority in the parliament. They advocate for cross-strait exchanges which are already underway. 

Walking the streets of Taipei, the sky is a deep blue, but the shadow of war looms and refuses to dissipate.