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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日評論 0509 母親節思親

每日評論  0509 母親節思親


母親去世後和父親葬於華盛頓市郊羅克維亞市隣近波多馬河畔,我們兄妹家人特別為父母親刻製做了一幅四呎長八呎寬的墓碑, 刻有後人及中美政要之哀悼詞,並附上她們的彩色照,碑文中詳述他們平凡中不平凡的一生,如今能長眠於此是大時代之安排又何等慶幸!

從我懂事之後,母親就一直期盼我有一天能出人頭地,可是由於戰亂到處流離失所,她這位年輕媽媽胆敢帶着三名未成年的嬰兒和幼女,翻山越嶺跟着馬夫徒步上演了一幕【尋夫記】。當我們和两年未見的父親重逢後已成為一個異鄉人,尽管身處於無電無自來水的村莊, 母親從未放棄希望, 她總覺得我們是泱泱大國之子民,,如今流落蕃邦,,只是一時之不幸而己 ,總有一天我們是會翻身的。

多少年過去了, 母親是我們的救命恩人 ,更是改變了我們命運的人。

Thinking Of My Mother Before Mother‘s Day 

After my mother passed away, she and my father were buried in the suburb of Rockville near the Potomac River in the Washington, DC area. 

Our family especially commissioned a four-foot by eight-foot tombstone for our parents, engraved with tributes from descendants and prominent figures from Our Community along with their full- colored photos. The inscription details their extraordinary lives amidst the ordinary, and we consider it a stroke of great fortune to have them resting here in this land. 

Since I was young, my mother always hoped that one day I would make a mark in the world. Despite the turmoil and displacement caused by wars and conflict, this young mother  dared to carry three underaged infants and young children trekking over mountains and crossing rivers while following her own 'script' and playing out scenes from a drama that could be named, "My Search For My Husband."

When we united with our dad after two years, we had already become strangers living in a village without electricity or running water. Yet my mother never lost hope. She always believed that we are the descendants of a great nation, and being in a foreign land at the moment was just a temporary misfortune. She was certain that one day we would rise again. 

Many years have passed, and mother was our family's savior and the one who changed our destiny.