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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日社评:0511 母親節迎來國際社區之模範母親

每日社评:0511 母親節迎來國際社區之模範母親


為了慶祝母親節, 美南新聞集團和環球第一銀行共同舉辦表揚國際母親節活動,特別遴選數位来自非裔 、亞裔及各族裔之媽媽們在美南電視環球劇場表彰她們對社會及家庭之貢獻。

多年來, 休斯敦國際社區之各族裔人口不斷增加 ,有百分之七十之全市人囗是外來居民, 亞裔族群已經超過百分之七, 無論在學術商業都有傑出之表現。

斉家治國平天下, 這是老祖宗給予我們之訓示, 家庭是社會组成之主要份子,和睦之家庭多半要有一位賢慧的媽媽, 孩子之成長主要是媽媽們之教誨 。

我們非常高興能在此表揚優秀之母親們, 更希望她們講述自己之故事 ,為大家學習之榜樣, 這樣的活動有助於凝聚社區力量,表揚母親們之辛勞。

Celebrating The International Community‘s Exemplary 

Mothers On Mother’s Day 

In honor of Mother’s Day, Southern News Group And Global One Bank have come together to organize a recognition event for International mothers. Specially selected mothers from African, Asian and the international community will be chosen and their contributions to society and family will be recognized and honored. The event will take place at the STV Global Theatre. 

In recent years, the multicultural population of Houston’s international community has been steadily increasing with 70% of the residents coming from outside of the city. The Asian community alone accounts 

for over 7% of the population. Most of them display outstanding performances in both academic and business fields. 

“Harmony in the family leads to prosperity in the world.' This is the teaching passed down by our ancestors. The family is the fundamental unit of society and a harmonious family often has a wise and nurturing mother at its core. 

The upbringing of children is largely shaped by the teaching of mothers. 

We are delighted to recognize these exceptional mothers.