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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日評論 0507 潮州人之精神

每日評論  0507  潮州人之精神


週日晚間在休斯敦參加了美國德州潮州會館第一屆董事會第二十一屆理監事就職典禮, 數百位鄉親及中外嘉賓把會埸擠得水洩不通, 台上的熱歌勁舞 一片熱鬧氣氛, 正顯示潮州人之精神。

多年來, 我們國際區內許多成功之大市埸及各型商家, 都是由潮州同鄉們經菅。 他們從一个家庭擴展到大型事業, 其中艱苦奮鬥之歴程令人非常感動和敬佩, 他們絕對是我們華裔社區之表率。

今晚前來恭賀之來賓包括好友國會眾議員格林, 他帶來了一份賀狀表揚潮州人對我們社區之極大貢獻 ,充分代表我們是一個種族之大熔爐。

近數十年來, 來自越棉寮中南半𡷊的潮汕人因戰亂逃到美國,  经過多年之打拼, 不但本身在商界出人頭地, 下一代的子女更有非常𠍇出之表現。

美南傳媒在許多大城市都發現潮汕人之勤奮努力是大家之表率, 其團結之精神更令人敬佩。

The Spirit Of Teochew 

This past Sunday we attended a grand event of the Teochew Association in Houston, Texas.      The crowded venue included lively performances and the spirit of the Teochew people were truly inspiring. 

The journey of success and contribution of the Teochew Community members, from small families to large businesses, is commendable and sets them as positive role models in the Asian community. 

The presence of distinguished guests like Congressman Al Green, who recognized the significant contribution of the Teochew people to the community, highlights the respect and admiration they have earned. The unity and spirit displayed by the Teochew Community reflect their dedication and hard work, which make them a proud part of the Chinese diaspora.