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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

花車 樂隊 國際區大遊行

花車 樂隊 國際區大遊行

花車 樂隊 國際區大遊行

上週六清晨近七十個花車、楽隊、 體操隊已經依序排列在休斯敦百利大道上整裝待發。 上午九時正, 指揮官-聲令下, 由艾利夫學區學生儀隊之前導下,開始沿著百利大道向西行走, 由國際區制作之花車載着市議員、 理事及三位活潑可愛的孩童在音樂聲中出發,她們以可掬之笑容向觀眾們揮手致意。

二十多年來 ,在工商社區領袖及市政府之支下, 國際區之發展正顯示一片欣欣向榮景象, 也成為大休斯敦之一個國際櫉窗, 許多大小商業行號不斷遷入, 百利大道每天車水馬龍, 超市商場更是擠得水洩不通。

我們熱愛這塊土地, 也是我們要珍惜和愛護的家園, 國際區大遊行溶入了各族裔代表和年青朋友,他們是我們未來的希望。

 Alief International District Parade 

Last Saturday morning nearly 100 floats, bands, and gymnastics teams had lined up on Houston’s Bellaire Blvd. and were all ready to go.          At precisely 9:00 am under the command of the Alief School District Student Honor Guard that was leading the way, the whole procession stepped out and the Alief International District Parade 2024 had begun. 

The parade proceeded weaving along Bellaire Blvd. with a float from the International District carrying city council members, directors and three lively and adorable children setting 

it all off to sounds of joyful music. The children waved gleefully to the audience with beaming smiles. 

Over the past twenty years, with the support of the business community leaders and the local government, 

the development of the International District has grown to be a thriving and prosperous scene. 

The District has become a window  of greater Houston with numerous businesses of all sizes relocating here. Bellaire Boulevard moves briskly now each day with streams of traffic and supermarkets are bustling with record activity.

We love this land which is our cherished and most cared-for home.  The parade annually brings together representatives of various ethnicities and young friends who represent the hope for our future.