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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹




在為老友联邦國會議員格林舉辦之集會中 近百餘位華亞裔 非裔 拉丁裔之好友共聚一堂 大家共話家常是我們各族裔國際大家庭之團圓大聚會

多年來 格林議員對我們社區之關怌 每當天災人禍 有人患病 婚喪喜慶他都是一馬當先 患難與共 這份數十年之情感 實在令人珍惜和難忘

拉丁裔領袖斯佳博士 非裔牧師狄克森 前郡長艾克 現任主計長荷里斯 國際貿易中心共同主席金諾威及華裔越裔 韓裔中東裔等各界工商社區領袖皆出席參加

今天的國內外局勢一片混亂 我們必須認清自己之處境 面對未來之挑戰

今晚之聚會是象徵我們國際族群之大團結 這張珍貴之全家福代表了一段永久之歷史記憶 

Family Reunion Photo Of Our Asia Pacific International Community

In the gathering held for our dear brother Congressman Al Green,    over one hundred Asian, African    and Latino friends all came together.  We shared stories and caught up with memories reflecting the spirit 

of our diverse international family reunion. 

Over the years, Congressman Green has shown unwavering support to our community. Whenever there have been natural disasters, illnesses or life events, he was always there leading the efforts and standing by our side. This decades-long bond is truly cherished and unforgettable. 

Our dear friends included Dr. Sergio Lira, City Controller Hollis, Former Harris County Judge Robert  Eckels, Bishop James Dixon, Jim Noteware, Larry Wong, Harry Sun, Joseph Shum, David Du, Dawn Lin, Alice Chen,  Shirley Qing, Stephen Le Sr, Dr. Nancy Mai as well as leaders from various Asian communities were present at the event. 

Tonight’s gathering symbolizes the unity of our community. This precious family photo represents a long-lasting historical memory.