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社評 0307 在家靠父母 在外靠朋友

社評 0307 在家靠父母 在外靠朋友

在家靠父母 在外靠朋友

自從懂事開始, 常常聽到父母之訓示 『在家靠父母 ,在外靠朋友』。年紀漸長之後更深感朋友之重要 ,他們是我們人生道路上之支柱, 更是不可缺之力量。

本週一中午在美南電視環球第一劇場和多年相識之中外友人有過一次難忘之聚會,其中包括相識多年的休斯敦大商會會長莫士禮, 日裔工商鉅子杈騰先生, 衣索比亞大使卡比地, 尼伯爾工商領袖根夏, 土地開發商大衛士, 企業家金諾威皆是我在過去冗長之創業時期中認識之各界領袖精英。

今天我們再次聚首 ,是為了舉辦首屆休斯敦國際工商博覧會, 共同為繁榮社區及國家經濟而努力。

多年來 ,我們的朋友滿天下, 因為我們是以誠待人, 媒體是社會公器 ,我們的職責是為大家傳遞訊息, 服務人群。

我們更慶幸今天有如此多真誠好友前來幫助, 為這個有意義之活動助一臂之力 。

Rely On Parents At Home And Friends Outside

Since I began to be sensible, I often hear from my parents' reminder, “Rely on parents at home and rely on friends outside.” 

After getting older, I feel more deeply about the importance of friends. They are the pillars of our lives and a source of indispensable strength. 

At noon of this past Monday there was an unforgettable gathering at our STV Global Studio with our old friends including Jeff Mosley, Glen Gondo, Jim Noteware, Ambassador Kebede and many friends who have known each other for many decades. 

We are gathering again to hold the organizing meeting for the First Annual Houston International Expo and to work on promoting business prosperity. 

Friends are the most important part of our life and we are so fortunate that there are so many friends in our life. Because of that, we will be able to move forward to serve our community.