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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 1214 華夏文化走進社區

社評 1214   華夏文化走進社區


二十多年來,美南新聞集團在慶農曆春節活動從未間斷, 不論刮風下雨, 我們都如期舉行 。這也充分體現我們在海外發揚中華文化之信念。

美國本來就是一個文化族裔之大熔爐, 二百多年來來自世界各地的移民紛紛在此落腳。 美國是个移民國家, 正因為有不斷的移民湧入, 也是這些生力軍成為社會發展之巨大動力。

多年來, 我們努力成為社區一部份之步伐從未停歇過, 我們深知要在此落地生根,勢必要融入當地之社區。

美南新聞集團旗下的國際貿易中心, 近二十年來 ,在休斯敦地區長期展開和世界各國之聯系交流工作, 中心之工作已經成為大休斯敦貿易文化外交活動之一部份。

明年春節嘉年華會將是我們活動之主軸, 更重要的是各族裔社區之参與, 結合大家之力量,促進社會之和睦相處。

Chinese American Culture Enters The Community

For more than twenty years, Southern News Group has never stopped celebrating the Lunar New Year Festival, regardless of wind or rain, we have always kept it on schedule. These efforts also fully reflect our belief in the importance of promoting cultural events in the community. 

The United States is a melting pot of cultural and ethnic groups. For more than 200 years, immigrants from all over the world have settled down here. It is also the driving force for social and economic development because of the continuous influx of immigrants. 

Over the years, our effort to be a part of the community has never stopped. We know that it is necessary to integrate into the local community and to take root here. 

Over the past twenty years, the International Trade Center of Southern News Group has carried out long-term business and cultural exchanges with countries from all around the world and ITC has been a vital part of Houston’s trade and diplomatic activities. 

In the upcoming new year on February 10, 2024, the Lunar New Year Festival will be the main focus of our activities. Most importantly, the event this year will highlight the participation of various ethnic communities and will thereby combine everyone’s efforts to promote the harmony of our diverse community.