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社評 1118 我們生命中最難忘的一天

社評 1118  我們生命中最難忘的一天


冠蓋雲集  友情永固

休斯敦國際貿易中心21 歲生日昨晚在威斯汀大酒店舉行, 四百多位好友、社區領袖 、聯邦眾議員、市長、 德州土地資源局局長及多國外交領事代表前來祝賀。 老實說,這是我們人生中感到驕傲興𡚒和感恩的最重要日子。

晚會之首席座上, 我們的貴賓包括現任市長特納, 即將在十二月九日一決勝負之下任市長惠特邁參議員及國會眾議員希拉積克森李, 徳州土地資源局局長班克罕博士 ,好弟兄國會眾議員, 日本、 韓國、 安哥拉等國總領事及國務院駐休斯敦代表 。

在悠揚之儀隊入場聲中, 大家高唱國歌, 並為五位政商界領袖頒發奘狀, 聆聽了班克罕局長之演說。

自七O年初我們從德州博蒙市完成了拉馬大學之碩士課程之後, 攜帶簡便之行囊在傾盆大雨的夏天來到休斯敦, 這裡從此變成了我們永遠的家。

數十年來 ,我們從一個地方社區報发展到遍及全美各地, 也算是一項奇蹟。 近年來那些當年氣勢強勁咄咄逼人的大報,如今也在各地收山棄守陣地, 但是我們仍然繼續堅守崗位, 因為這是我們的社會責任。

慶祝晚宴之現場 ,我們迎接各族裔之弟兄, 白人主流 、華亞裔 、拉丁裔 、非裔共聚一堂 ,這是代表美國多族裔文化之大集會。

謝謝江宜橋老師之墨寶, 楊德清兄之賀詩, 我們銘感五衷。

在我人生的光譜上, 從未滿十九歲時就開始在社會上闖盪, 從事媒體到金融事業, 遭遇過無數之挑戰和艱難, 但是我們都从見山開路, 遇水搭橋之信念 ,不斷鞭策自己繼續前進。

國際貿易中心之成長經驗, 代表了我們對社會之貢獻。 过去二十一年, 我們透過文化、 經貿、 教育金融各種大小活動, 盡心盡力來回蝕國家和社區。

那些多少熟悉的面孔, 多半是我們之摯友。 他們的恩情烙在我們的心田中, 回首過往, 我們要感恩上蒼保佑 ,多少伙伴及同仁伸出了你們的援手, 讓我們的人生旅途更精彩。

      The Most Unforgettable Day Of Our Lives

Houston International Trade Center’s 21st birthday celebration was held at the Westin Oaks Hotel last night. More than 400 guests and community leaders were in attendance including the Mayor of Houston SylvesterTurner, Texas Land Commissioner Buckingham, Congressman Al Green, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Senator John Whitmire, the Diplomatic Consul General of Japan and the Korean Consul General all came together and joined us in our celebration. To be very honest, this was the most important day we have ever had in our lives and we are very proud and grateful. 

My wife and I came to Houston in the 1970’s from Beaumont, Texas, after we got our master degrees from Lamar University. Ever since that time, we have always called Houston our home. I always look back and remember my childhood life in Burma and how poor we were in the refugee camp. When I went to Taiwan and started college, I started working when I was 19 years old. 

Over the entire spectrum of my business life, I have encountered countless challenges from media to the banking business. We have always faced the challenges and always spurred ourselves to overcome all  obstacles.

The International Trade Center is our most important non-profit service to our community.Tonight we got together with our dear friends and many public service representatives to celebrate this momentous occasion. 

We are so fortunate that we are here in this great land.