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社评 1118 我们生命中最难忘的一天

社评 1118  我们生命中最难忘的一天


冠盖云集  友情永固

休斯敦国际贸易中心21 岁生日昨晚在威斯汀大酒店举行, 四百多位好友、社区领袖 、联邦眾议员、市长、 德州土地资源局局长及多国外交领事代表前来祝贺。 老实说,这是我们人生中感到骄傲兴𡚒和感恩的最重要日子。

晚会之首席座上, 我们的贵宾包括现任市长特纳, 即将在十二月九日一决胜负之下任市长惠特迈参议员及国会眾议员希拉积克森李, 徳州土地资源局局长班克罕博士 ,好弟兄国会眾议员, 日本、 韩国、 安哥拉等国总领事及国务院驻休斯敦代表 。

在悠扬之仪队入场声中, 大家高唱国歌, 并為五位政商界领袖颁发奘状, 聆听了班克罕局长之演说。

自七O年初我们从德州博蒙市完成了拉马大学之硕士课程之后, 携带简便之行囊在倾盆大雨的夏天来到休斯敦, 这裡从此变成了我们永远的家。

数十年来 ,我们从一个地方社区报发展到遍及全美各地, 也算是一项奇蹟。 近年来那些当年气势强劲咄咄逼人的大报,如今也在各地收山弃守阵地, 但是我们仍然继续坚守岗位, 因為这是我们的社会责任。

庆祝晚宴之现场 ,我们迎接各族裔之弟兄, 白人主流 、华亚裔 、拉丁裔 、非裔共聚一堂 ,这是代表美国多族裔文化之大集会。

谢谢江宜桥老师之墨宝, 杨德清兄之贺诗, 我们铭感五衷。

在我人生的光谱上, 从未满十九岁时就开始在社会上闯盪, 从事媒体到金融事业, 遭遇过无数之挑战和艰难, 但是我们都从见山开路, 遇水搭桥之信念 ,不断鞭策自己继续前进。

国际贸易中心之成长经验, 代表了我们对社会之贡献。 过去二十一年, 我们透过文化、 经贸、 教育金融各种大小活动, 尽心尽力来回蚀国家和社区。

那些多少熟悉的面孔, 多半是我们之挚友。 他们的恩情烙在我们的心田中, 回首过往, 我们要感恩上苍保佑 ,多少伙伴及同仁伸出了你们的援手, 让我们的人生旅途更精彩。

      The Most Unforgettable Day Of Our Lives

Houston International Trade Center’s 21st birthday celebration was held at the Westin Oaks Hotel last night. More than 400 guests and community leaders were in attendance including the Mayor of Houston SylvesterTurner, Texas Land Commissioner Buckingham, Congressman Al Green, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Senator John Whitmire, the Diplomatic Consul General of Japan and the Korean Consul General all came together and joined us in our celebration. To be very honest, this was the most important day we have ever had in our lives and we are very proud and grateful. 

My wife and I came to Houston in the 1970’s from Beaumont, Texas, after we got our master degrees from Lamar University. Ever since that time, we have always called Houston our home. I always look back and remember my childhood life in Burma and how poor we were in the refugee camp. When I went to Taiwan and started college, I started working when I was 19 years old. 

Over the entire spectrum of my business life, I have encountered countless challenges from media to the banking business. We have always faced the challenges and always spurred ourselves to overcome all  obstacles.

The International Trade Center is our most important non-profit service to our community.Tonight we got together with our dear friends and many public service representatives to celebrate this momentous occasion. 

We are so fortunate that we are here in this great land.