社評0801 墓前思親
![社評0801 墓前思親](https://mail.scdaily.com/images/luIgHDboS5IqdfTqcUS0ghNlYc8da7PoF8tHsJrS.png)
生如螻蟻 當立鴻鵠之志
上週末在百度暑熱之耀眼天空, 我和二姐大妹及妹夫又來到雙親墓前上香跪拜 ,汗水和淚水濕透衣襟。 我想再次向父母親在天之靈稟告我們的近況, 如果不是他們的堅持, 家人之歷史可能就改寫成另一篇章。
迄自孩童時代, 父母因戰亂遷移他鄉 ,我曾目睹和感受戰爭帶來之殘酷, 異鄉客之苦痛, 早已把他們年青時之美好生活消失殆盡, 我常想如何掙脫艱困之環境 ,存著非常強烈之意志。
過去數十載之歲月, 家人多次遷移。 我在成年之後即加入新聞媒體工作 ,加上家人之共同努力,在美國創建了美南新聞集團之傳奇, 迄今屹立不搖, 為千百萬讀者和觀眾站在新聞最前線。 我們同時努力舉辦各項文化社區活動回饋社區 ,经過四年半之堅持和努力, 我們終于獲得聯邦及州金融機構之核準成立了環球第一銀行, 準備為社區經濟繁榮提供協助。
成立了二十年的美南國際貿易中心代表團一行來到了首都華盛頓, 首先拜會了幾內亞駐美國大使館, 卡巴大使亲切接待。 忝為幾內亞駐德州名譽總領事, 促進兩國之交流是我的首要任務, 華府之行參加了由董繼璘會長主持之年會並和她同台, 為趙小蘭部長之新書-《豪邁前進》 舉辦新書發表會, 這本由美南新聞主編發行之新書, 是介紹從兩個世紀美國华人史詩中走出來的傑出女性。
今天, 再次跪拜在父母墓前 ,向他們稟告多年來在媒體、 社區服務 、金融及外交領域打拼的過程想起在史記記載「生如螻蟻 當立鴻鵠之志」,家人兄弟姐妹皆能努力向上, 不辜負雙親之期望。
Coming Back To My Parents' Tomb
Last weekend in the blazing sky of high heat with my sisters and brother-in-law, we came to my parents' tomb to kneel down again. Sweat and tears were mixed together. I wanted to tell my parents about our recent situation. If it weren’t for their persistence, our family history might have been rewritten into other chapter.
During my childhood, because of civil war, my parents had to move to a foreign land. I have witnessed pain and disparity since the age of ten. I often think about how to break free from difficult environments with a very strong will.
Over the past several decades, our family has moved many times. I joined the media business since I was 19 years old. When we moved to America, we started Southern News Group with our family members to create the largest Asian media service in America to serve millions of readers. We also have held many social and business events through our International Trade Center. And after almost five years time, we finally obtained the approval from the Federal Reserve and Texas Banking department authorities to establish the Global One Bank.
Today I lead a delegation from the International Trade Center and went to Washington, DC to meet Ambasador Kaba of the Republic of Guinea. As Honorary Consul of Guinea in Texas my job is to promote two community based efforts for Guinea: economic growth and cultural exchange. Our group also attended the International Leadership Foundation Gala in DC to announce the new book, "Go Forward Boldly," for its author, Secretary Elaine Chao. As publisher of the book, I was so proud to introduce her as the most outstanding Asian American woman in America.
I came to my parents' tomb again today to report to them that I have been working hard in the media, community service, banking and diplomatic areas.
As the old saying goes: "I was born like ant and set up my ambitions of a saint.