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社評0613 川普今天現身佛州法庭

社評0613  川普今天現身佛州法庭


前總統川普週一搭乘專機抵达邁阿密,準備出庭面對三十七項違反國安法之指控。 這也是美國有史以來的前任總統面對聯邦法庭之指控, 邁阿密警方正在加強保安, 以防有意外事件發生。 

我們要非常遺憾的指出, 這是美國歷史上最令人厭倦的黑色時刻, 尤其對川普而言 ,他是決心要再次競逐總統大位 ,雖然他的許多令人咂舌的桃色纠纷及被起訴案件多如牛毛, 他仍然是共和黨在總統選舉中民調最領先的人物。

我們深感美國真的變了,如總統大位, 依然沒有年輕的政治人物出現, 道德標準之敗落已經使美國無法自稱民主之典範。

川普正在極力否認聯邦政府對他的指控, 認為是民主黨政府對他的迫害。 但是許多事証也很快揭曉, 如果我們下任總統會遭到判決有罪 ,而又在繼續競選總統真是天大的笑話了。

今天美國已經到了十字路口, 盼望國家有識之士, 必須挺身而出 ,不仅為了挽救這個國家之未來, 也更事關未來世界之前途。

 Trump Faces 37 Criminal Charges

Former President Donald Trump arrives in Miami on Tuesday to face 37 criminal charges for how he treated the handing of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate after leaving office. 

Trump is the first former president  to ever face federal criminal charges. The Miami police department is preparing to protect the court today for when Trump arrives.

Trump denied any wrongdoing and vowed to stay in the 2024 presidential race despite the charges. 

We would like to point out that this is the saddest and darkest moment in our history. Despite all the legal issues Trump is faced with, he is still the front running candidate for the Republican Party. 

We deeply feel that we now lack new leaders to lead our nation. We have reached a crossroad in our national leadership and we hope the new generation will play an important role and change the course of our nation's future. 

Are we still the leading Democratic country in the world? Where are our moral standards?