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社評0526 寒門出身的警長

社評0526  寒門出身的警長

5/26/2023 星期五日記


掌管數千人警員的赫里斯郡警長根紮勒週四舉辦之早餐會, 再次宣佈他將第三次競選連任, 到塲的數十位支持者都慷慨解囊 ,資助他競選經費。

根紥勒和華亞裔社區相識已經二十多年, 早在他擔任市議員及代理市長時期經常參加我們社區之活動, 並且到過中國大陸、 台灣及許多亞洲國家訪問, 促進和各國之文化經濟交流。

他出身於一個大家庭的拉丁裔家庭, 早年曾經苦學奮鬥,上了大學並專研警政, 自從年輕時代就是學生領袖 ,在政界也一路順風 。

赫里斯警長一職非常重要, 他掌管休斯敦市區以外之廣大區域之治安, 近年來因槍支氾濫, 犯罪情形嚴重, 但據統計數字去年來已大幅下降。

拉丁裔市民近年來激增, 在大休斯敦地區已逼近半數, 未來在政治上必然是前途無量。

Gonzales Looks For A Third Term 

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzales, who is in charge of thousands of officers, held a breakfast party on Thursday. He announced that he would once again run for re-election for a third term.

Gonzales has been known by the Chinese Asian community for more than twenty years. In earlier years  when he served on the Houston City council, he often participated in our community activities and visited China, Taiwan and other Asian countries to promote culture and business exchanges with the City of Houston. 

Sheriff Gonzales was born into a   big family and worked his way all through college. His political journey is an outstanding role model for our country. 

The position of sheriff is such a     very important position. Because   of Sheriff Gonzales' hard work, our crime rate was cut in half last year. 

The Latino population is rapidly rising in our area. We can now foresee that there will be many Latino politicians ready to serve    our community in the future.