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團結才有力量 德州多族裔族聯盟大會致詞

團結才有力量  德州多族裔族聯盟大會致詞

5/13/2023 星期六日記



各位親愛的兄弟姐妹們 ,我們今天共同站在一起 ,為德州各族裔之未來書寫下一段令人振的歷史篇章 。

我們的國家建國只有二百多年之歷史 ,但是我們確創建了有史以來最強大的現代國家 。在建國先賢之奮鬥努力下 ,這部憲法之精神是標榜民主自由平等的偉大理念。

在時代變遷之大環境下,數以千萬計來自歐洲 、非洲、亞洲及全世界之移民,怀着無限之希望爭先恐後來到了新大陸,為美國之開國付出了生命和血汗 ,也更證明美國是一個移民國家。

不幸的是近年來,由於許多執政之政客之政治操作 ,使我們族裔間製造了諸多之矛盾和歧視 ,我們也要在此特別感念金恩博士領導之民權運動為我們今天之政治運動奠定了艱實之基礎。

我們來自世界不同角落 ,我們大家貢獻了自己的青春和力量 ,共同建造這𠆤美麗的家園。

今天我們的團結聯盟首次結合了各族裔社區,為社會上的不公不議站了出來 ,這股力量將是改變國家前途重要之力量 ,謝謝各位。

Unity Is Strength 

Speech At The Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition      

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

We stand together here today to write a new chapter of our ethnic community history.

The United States of America has a history of just a little more than 200 years, but we have indeed created the most powerful nation on earth. Our founding fathers wrote and planned the U.S. Constitution on a great concept of democracy, freedom and equality. 

Over the past several years, tens of millions of immigrants from Europe, Africa, Asia and from all over the world have rushed to this land looking for a better life. We have all worked together to build this nation. This clearly proves that the United States is a country of immigrants. 

Unfortunately, in recent years, due to changes in the political climate, we now have many contradictions and clear trends of discrimination in our society are now evident. We are here to express our deep appreciation to the late civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, who laid a solid foundation for our political movement today.

We all came from different corners of the world, but we all have contributed our lifetimes and efforts to build this great land together.

Today is the first time we have had the opportunity to combine all the multi-culture groups together and stand      up for social justice. This diverse force and strength of coming together marks an important step toward changing our future.