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社評0304 州政府可能接管德州休斯敦學區

社評0304 州政府可能接管德州休斯敦學區



特納市長表示: 州政府可能就在下週一採取此項行動 。

休斯敦學區是德州最大的學區,過去四年來, 由于學區員委之不當行為導致州政序預備前來接管, 雖然経過多年之法律攻防戰, 但是德州最高法院還是裁定州政府可以進行干涉。

非裔聯盟主席認為, 就是因為休斯敦學區多半是少數種裔, 否則不會被州政府接管 。許多人士也說, 這是共和黨佔多數之州議會將利用其影響力來改變教育綱領, 希望教育制度私改化, 逐漸削弱公共教育系統之功能。

我們要非常遺憾的指出,如果休斯敦學區被州政府接管,真是對我們的一大侮辱, 我們就連學區教育之事都無法管理, 豈不是個大笑話。

教育仍國家之百年大計,尤其是基礎教育尤其重要, 而我們的學區委員都是從基層選舉產生,許多當選者對教育確一竅不通,他們確主宰了學區之方向和未來。

我們大家都要深切檢討。 應如何面對這塲災難而誤了青少年之前程。

A group of church and community members gathered in front of the Houston School District building on Friday to protest against the upcoming state government take over of the Houston School District. They said this is a politically motivated action and not for the benefit of the students.

Mayor Sylvester Turner said the State may take over the Houston School Distict which is the largest district in Texas.

Over the past four years the district has had many issues and  finally the Texas Supreme Court has ruled that the State can intervene.

Many community leaders said the take over is because the school district is mostly made up of minorities. Otherwise, this would not be happening.

We would like to point out that this take over is really an insult to our city. It means we can’t even manage the education of our city.

Education is the most important issue in our community and in the nation. Our school board is elected from the grass-roots. Some of the members may lack knowledge of education, but they are the ones who make the decisions that shape the future of our school district.

We all should deeply review and learn from this disaster and come out with the solution for our school district.