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社評0222 中美衝突可能上升

社評0222  中美衝突可能上升


隨著拜登週一突訪基輔和王毅造訪莫斯科, 中美兩國正在烏克蘭戰爭之問題上正面對決。

國務卿布林肯表示, 他擔心中國考慮向俄羅斯提供武器支持,他說:“這類行動會給中國帶來真正的后果。”

中國方面表示美國無法向中國提出要求, 中國與俄羅斯之關係是基於不結盟 ,不對抗, 不針對第三方。

我們對於目前世界局勢表示高度之擔憂, 主要因為烏克蘭戰爭尚無終止之跡象,俄羅斯也在準備春季後展開更猛烈之攻 ,美國為首之北約更是加強對烏克蘭之彈藥支援, 歐洲各國之経濟及安全面臨嚴峻之危機, 烏克蘭之難民潮會更加嚴重。

俄羅斯在此困境中必然要求助於中國大陸及伊朗、 北朝鮮之支持, 否則它在許多國家之壓力下, 勢必無法長期支撐下去。

我們目前仍然期望中美兩國共同協商來解決烏克蘭危機 ,否則實在有掀起第三次世界大戰之潛在危機 ,實在是不可小視覷。

如果世界局勢如此發展下去 ,勢必使中俄及伊朗等國聯手對抗美國及其盟邦, 又一塲世紀冷戰又將重演。

  Sino-U.S. Conflict May Rise

With President Biden’s visit to Kiev and Chinese high-ranking official Wang Yi's visit to Moscow, China and the United States will face another confrontation on the war in Ukraine.
Secretary of State Blinken said he was worried that China would consider providing weapons to Russia. Such action would have real consequences for China.
Chinese officials said that the United States could not make such a request on China’s relationship with Russia and was based on non-confirmed information against a third-party.
We express our great concern on the current world situation. The main reason is that there is no sign of an end to the war in Ukraine. Russia is preparing to launch a more violent attack after the winter and are concerned that the United States will supply more ammunition to Ukraine. In the meantime, the European countries are facing more a serious crisis, including millions of refugees.
We are hoping that China will work with the United States, Russia and Ukraine to propose a peaceful resolution to the war.
We really do not want to see a return of the cold war in the near future.