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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評0218 建造國際區美好家園

社評0218 建造國際區美好家園


十多年來 ,由我們各族裔組成之國際區委員會 ,週四上午再度見証了由好友國會議員為我們申請到的二百萬元聯邦政府補助用於改善交通行人道安全。

我們今天非常興奮在國際區花園廣坊共同接受了這張二百萬元之大支票 ,格林議員在記者會上高度表掦我們這群新移民把荒土改變成繁榮社區之極大貢獻 ,他並感謝拜登總統對改進社區交通安全之關心。

這筆撥款充分說明國際區在各族裔領䄂共同努力下已得到地方及聯邦政府之高度重視 ,並希望我們繼續努力為全美各地樹立一個民族大熔爐之典範。

目前我們已經積極規劃建造國際區迎賓天橋 ,室外音樂廣場及多元種族國際文化博物館, 並和新任的學區總監共同舉辦大型文化活動來帶動觀光促進経濟繁榮 ,他同時恭賀環球第一銀行在國際區正式開張營業, 必然會帶動此地區之経濟活動。

十多年來, 參與委員會之各族裔領袖們都是國際區先行開拓者, 我非常感激大家之支持和奉獻, 歷史絕不會留白。

Building A Beautiful And Safer Community In The International District

For more than a decade, the directors of the Houston International District has been composed of leaders from different ethnic groups. Today we all witnessed together again the support of our dear brother Congressman Al Green as he handed out a check to the district for $2 million dollars from the federal government to improve our district's traffic safety.

At the press conference, Congressman Green strongly recognized the many contributions of our new immigrants who helped change the once raw land into a thriving business district. He also thanked President Biden for his concerns about local traffic safety issues. The funds will be used for these purposes.

The allocation of these funds represents a big step in our district's improvement plans for local infrastructure development and will help us set up a model project to show how we can build a better and safer community.

In our master plan we are going to build the International Gate, an outdoor theater and an international culture museum. We’re also working with the Alief School District to celebrate different culture festivals to attract more tourists and more business into this area.

I told my dear colleagues and board members that our sacrifices and contributions that we make today won’t be soon forgotten in the history of our area