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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0206 悼曹志源教授

社評 0206 悼曹志源教授



出生於湖南故鄉的休斯敦浸信會大學政治系資深教授曹志源博士學長,於元月廿三在糖城過世 ,走完了他九十五年之精彩人生歷程 ,更是當代學者和中國知識份子之典範。

《美南新聞》初創時期 ,那時侯華人為數不多, 僑社各路人馬及政治環境也頗複雜 ,雖然是份小小週報, 但不乏有人大放厥詞, 豈可由這位名不見経傳之年輕人獨領風騷 ,來出一份報刊領導輿論, 那時許多華人領袖紛紛做出阻止動作, 希望我們能在他們麾下接受指揮, 當時唯有曹教授力挺, 新聞事業應該是社會之公器, 一定要中立、 客觀、 包容, 才是新聞人應有之骨氣。

多年來我和妻及全美之工作伙伴一直稟持曹教授指教之信念, 在新聞媒體事業上奔馳奮鬥了數十載, 每年中秋佳節來臨之時, 我們都會到曹府踵門拜候,每次都見到了曹博士手書之大作-《國運與人生》是我們在十年前由美南新聞出版社為他印刷出版, 並且在美南電視攝影棚做了新書發表會, 曹教授同時也出版過許多有關個人及學術方面之著作, 而且是桃李滿天下 ,他的學生還包括了美國前眾議院共和黨黨鞭狄雷等政界名人。

曹教授早年曾派駐華盛頓中華民國大使館, 擔任過蔣廷蔽 、葉公超等之機要秘書 ,曾經草擬過許多重要外交文件, 他在一九六O年代取得美利堅大學博士學位後就南下德州在大學執教。

曹教授早年也就讀政大外交研究所 ,是當時黨國刻意裁培之青年才俊 ,他也不負所望 ,除了擔任外交工作, 繼續在教育界發揮了作育英才之使命。

曹教授晚年篤信基督教, 他走完了充實精彩之旅程, 如今回到天國 ,也無遺憾了。

 A Tribute To Professor James Tsao

Dr. James Tsao, a senior professor at Houston Baptist University passed away last week. He was born in his hometown of Hunan, China. In his 95 years of life, he was also a model of scholars and Chinese intellectuals.
When my wife and I started to published a small newspaper in Houston, Texas, we were facing very strong challenges. In that time, the political environment was also quite complicated. There were many people talking about how could a young publish a newspaper by themselves? They actually even wanted to stop our plan. Only Professor Tsao strongly supported us. He told me, "Young man, you need to continue to fight in order to serve our comunity."
Over the years, we paid visits to Dr. Tsao. Every autumn festival we also brought moon cakes to enjoy with him. We even published and printed his biography with about one thousand pages which is a real piece of Chinese community history. About nine years ago we also had party for him in our TV studio to celebrate the new book.
Professor Tsao was also a diplomat who served in Washington, D.C., and later got his Ph.D degree from American University. He was a very outstanding student in early years.
He was recognized two times as the best professor at Houston Baptist University. He was a Christian since his young age. He has completed a wonderful journey and now he has retuned to Heaven without any regrets.