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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/26

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 10/26

我見 我思 我聞


上週日在文化中心參加國際領袖基金會之青少年座談會, 由該會創會會長董繼璘主持 ,特邀前勞工交通部長趙小蘭以本身經歷,向在座的年輕人傳授為人和成 功之道, 其中令人最感動的是趙部長在其父母教誨之下成長過程, 因此她告訴這批年輕人要感謝和孝順父母 ,他們在這個充滿機會的國家, 為社會貢獻自己之心力。

多少年來 ,我們也不斷加入教育行列,每年舉辦各種文化及升學教育研討會, 有眾多之年青學子都加入之志願者之行列, 他們在指揮交通、 送水和便當 ,或在研討會上講述自己的故事, 他們的熱情和貢獻代表了國家和社區之未來希望。

今天在疫情和政客之操弄下, 華亜裔社區遭到空前之困境, 反亞裔事件不斷在各地上演 ,但是我們決不能退縮 ,我們堅信這𥚃就是我們的家園, 我們也是這裡的主人 ,也更要立志充實自己將來要做一個對社會有用的人。

我在會上也講述了在美國多年奮鬥之経驗 ,只有吃苦 耐勞, 堅持奮戰目標,才能撐握自己的前途和命運。

華亞裔社區必須加強團結 ,為社區貢獻力量 ,樹立良好之形象才能得到社會之認同。

The Young Generation Is Our Hope

It was a great pleasure to join the ILF’s forum at the Houston Chinese Community Center. This was the first time we invited former U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and founder of ILF Chiling Tong to meet hundreds of youngsters in Houston, Texas. 

In her speech, Secretary Chao told her story about how she as a young immigrant girl at the age 8 could not speak any English and later went on to become a United States cabinet member. She told the group of young people that they to fully appreciate their parents because they are so lucky to live in America with so many opportunities.

I also had the opportunity to talk to them about my journey in America over the last several decades. We as a media agency sponsor many cultural and educational events to encourage young people to be volunteers at many events so they can learn how to serve their community. 

Today the Asian community is facing so many challenges including economic hardship and hate crimes. We really need to be united and tell our stories about how we came here to be a part of this great nation.

We want to urge all our brothers and sisters and encourage them to have great  confidence to continue our journey together, especially for the younger generation. You all need to carry the torch for us to fight for our future because this is our country.