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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 04/17

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 04/17

我見 我思 我聞




其中包括在佛羅里達 、巴爾的摩、 支加哥、 肯薩斯 、西雅圖等地都有兇殺案之頻發。

拜登總統再次下令全國下半旗致哀,他非常沉痛地指出,兇殺事件已經成為了流行病, 他決定要為嚴重的槍支暴行,採取行動去制止。

今天我們的社會真的生病了,新寇病毒帶來的禍害更加大了全國之犯罪率,無故槍殺無辜 已經成為不可收拾的趨勢。




Our Society Is Really Sick Now

On Thursday morning another mass shooter killed eight people in Indianapolis. Since March 16 when eight people were killed at the Atlanta    

SPAs, the U.S. has had at least 45 mass shootings.

There have been at least 147 mass shootings in 2021 according to GVA, a non- profit based in Washington, D.C.

The shootings have included since April 15, the cities of Pensacola, Florida, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, MD, Chicago, Illinois, Wichita, Kansas, Seattle, Washington, Koshkonong, Missouri, Waterbury, Connecticut, Fort Worth, Texas -- all over the nation,

Today President Biden ordered flags to be lowered to half-staff again, calling gun violence an “epidemic” the country must address now. He said “gun violence pierces the very soul of our nation,” and urged Congress to act.

The shooting is the latest in a series of high-profile mass shootings that have rocked the nation.

We need to get back to the fundamental problem we are facing that is for gun control. And educating Congress to pass gun reform legislation remains an uphill climb for Democrats in the face of stiff Republican opposition.

It is very sad when our community is still facing the pandemic and people don’t feel safe in their lives when they never know which guy-man will open fire at any time and anywhere.

Our society really is sick now. All of us need to work together to find the solution!