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每日评论0923 秋感

每日评论0923 秋感



唐代诗人王维曾写下动人诗词: 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。 明月松间照, 清泉石上流。

秋天真的来到了,家裡后院的树叶已在变色之中, 时光之流动显示在大地,晈皎明月高掛天空。我们正在怀念故人亲友,团圆相聚是多么令人期待而享受之人生大事。

上週五晚上参加了休斯敦各界共同举办之中秋晚宴大会, 节目精彩,佳餚美酒,台上在传统之节目和表演中,共度中秋佳节。前美国总统布希之子尼尔布希在会上表示,他父亲说, 中美两国是世界上最重要之大国,他表示中美两国和平共存之重要性, 他说今年他已经六次访问了中国大陆。国会议员格林也在晚会上呼吁中美两国应加强交流,值此美国大选之前,政治家们有此言论实属少数。

我在欢迎会上表示,对於一个移民国家而言, 华亚裔族群对美国之巨大贡献有目共睹, 今天我们庆祝中秋佳节也是大家团圆相聚之日子,我们要团结起来对那些邪恶政客挑战。

虽然我们如今远走他乡,但是我们仍然庆幸如此眾多的游子能怀念华夏传统文化, 今晚在此共赏高掛天空之明月。

 Autumn Feeling

Wang Wei, a poet in the Tang Dynasty once wrote a poem that said: "After the new rain in the empty mountain, the bright moon shines between the pine trees. Upstream of clear spring stone, Autumn has really come."

The leaves in the backyard of my house are changing their colors. The flow of time is shown in the earth and the bright moon hangs high in the sky. We all are thinking about our relatives and friends. Reunion is a great event in life that we can always look forward to enjoy.

Last Friday we participated in the Mid-Autumn Festival Dinner held by the Chinese Civic Center and many leading associations in Houston, Texas. The food was delicious and the programs were wonderful.

Neil Bush, son of former President George Bush, told the audience that his father is saying that the relationship between the U.S. and China is the most important relationship in the world and that he will follow his father’s legacy and continue to promote this important relationship in the future.

Congressman Al Green also called for a  strengthening of the relationship between the two great nations. As we draw nearer to the presidential election date, very few people are making such a comment.

At the reception, I also told the party 

that we as a nation of immigrants, have seen Asian immigrants make such great contributions and we need to be united to fight against the challenges that come from evil politicians.

We are also so happy that we never forget our transitional Chinese heritage even though we are far away from our motherland.