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社评 0109 2024 我们大家繫好安全带

社评 0109    2024 我们大家繫好安全带

2024 我们大家繫好安全带

随着台湾中华民国总统大选将於週末结䁱, 美国总统大选之前哨战已经开, 民主共和两党已经整牀待发, 拜登总统上週正式表态竞选连任, 前总统川普更是极力為再度回到白宫而奋战。

拜登指责川普是对美国民主之威胁, 民主仍然是一项神圣的事业。世界上没有哪一个国家比美国更有能力领导世界, 川普稍后回应指责拜登之领导美国经歴了歷史上最严重的通货膨胀, 让我们处於第三次世界大战边缘, 并让南部边境完全崩溃。

川普目前在四个司法管辖区内面临九十一项重罪指控,但他在共和党初选之民意调查中遥遥领先, 如果他能参选无疑是代表共和党和拜登一决胜负。 

今天的美国正面对极大之挑战, 保守和自由派主张可以说南辕北辙, 从内政外交移民及社会福利都有不同之主张。

台湾之大选胜败未定, 但是不论何人上台 ,必然会继续和美国保持密切关係。 但是, 在中美关係之大架构之下, 台湾可能会遭遇前所未有之危机, 主政者必须作最坏之打算。

It's 2024 - Let’s All Fasten Our Seat Belts

With the presidential election campaign coming to an end, the voters will now select a new leader for Taiwan. In America, our presidential election has begun with President Biden announcing his re-election bid last week. Former President Trump also continues to struggle for a return to the White House again. 

In his remarks, President Biden accused Trump of being a threat to American democracy. He also said no country in the world is capable of leading the world better than the United States. Trump later reacted saying, "We are experiencing the worst inflation in the history of the country and the situation on the southern border has almost collapsed." 

Trump currently is facing ninety-one felony charges in four jurisdictions, but he is far ahead of all the other Republican Party primary nominees according to the polls. 

Today we are facing great challenges. Conservatives and liberals have completely different views on almost all issues. 

In Taiwan’s election, no matter who will win, the country is certainly bound to continue to maintain its close relationship with the United States. However, under the framework of the China-US relationship, Taiwan may encounter an unprecedented crisis. The leaders must be prepared for any possible outcome.