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【美南新闻泉深】德克萨斯州参议员约翰·惠特迈尔 (John Whitmire) 于8月4日正式申请参加 11 月 7 日的休斯顿市市长竞选。



惠特迈尔说:“我非常关心休斯顿和休斯顿人。我们都想要一个伟大的城市来生活、工作和养育我们的家庭。作为一名公务员,哪里需要我就去哪里。 我接到休斯顿人的电话,要求我在 50 年后离开德克萨斯州立法机构,竞选休斯顿市市长。 我接受这个要求,因为我是一名公务员。”

他说: “利用我的经验和帮助他人的承诺,我相信作为市长,我可以对休斯顿人的生活产生更直接的影响——让我们的城市更接近满足我们所有人共同的期望和希望。”



作为市长,他将确保每个人都有一席之地,无论问题如何。 他的政府在各个层面都将是透明和道德的。

惠特迈尔说: “我很高兴能够开始工作,我希望我今天就能开始!”

John Whitmire Files To Run for Mayor of Houston

John Whitmire today filed to run in the November 7 election for Mayor of the City of Houston.

Whitmire was joined by his daughters as he presented his application and filing fee at City Hall.

 “I care deeply about Houston and Houstonians; we all want a great city in which to live, work and raise our families,” said Whitmire. “As a public servant, I go where I am called. And I’ve gotten a call from Houstonians to leave the Texas Legislature after 50 years and to run for Mayor of the City of Houston. I accept that call because I am a public servant.

 “Using my experience and commitment to helping others, I believe as Mayor I can make a more direct impact on Houstonians’ lives — bringing our city closer to meeting the expectations and hopes we all share.”

Whitmire’s top priorities are increasing public safety, building up infrastructure, improving city services and ensuring the budget is structurally sound.

 “I know together we can improve our neighborhoods with better streets, garbage pickup, flood control, transportation and a more affordable Houston,” said Whitmire.

 As Mayor, he will ensure that everyone has a seat at the table, no matter the issue. His administration will be transparent and ethical at every level.

 “I’m excited to get to work,” Whitmire said. "I wish I could start today!”

