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社评0626 休斯敦西南国际区人潮沸腾 经济鼎盛

社评0626  休斯敦西南国际区人潮沸腾 经济鼎盛

休斯敦西南国际区人潮沸腾 经济鼎盛

今天行走在休斯敦国际区百利大道上时, 车水马龙 各大超市人潮车辆及停车场挤满了, 这番荣景正代表社区经济繁荣的一面。

近年来, 自从特斯拉决定南迁德州之后, 全美五百强大企业也纷份跟进 。主要是我们地大物博,没有州税, 而且对各大小企业都有许多优惠政策, 也是少数全美州政府有财税盈餘之州政府。 值此全美各地及联邦政府财政吃紧之时, 真是难得可贵。

大休斯敦地区之亚裔太平洋岛民之人口也在不断激增之中, 除了增加人数最多的越裔华裔之外,印度裔也增加了许多, 而且新增人口最大的不同就是他们带了资金来到德州, 而且一半以上都是要经营各型中小商业, 增加了此地区就业机会。

我们必须坦言, 今天美国国力可以如此强大, 主要是不断来自新的移民及资金之注入, 全世界各地的顶尖人物多半都希望移民美国。 

每当行驶在百利大道上, 看见烦忙的人群及不断的车水马龙, 我们都感到十分欣慰 。想当年我们迁入时之窘境, 真是不可同日而语。

国际区要兴建的大门, 已经签署了设计合同。 我们已经组成小组稹极开始筹计, 希望大门工程早日峻工, 将是美化国际区之第一步。

 Our International District Is Booming


Today when we were driving on Bellaire Blvd. in southwest Houston and the International District, there was a lot of traffic. All of the supermarkets were very crowded and parking lots were filled up with vehicles.


This really represents the booming prosperity of our area. 


In recent years since Tesla moved to Texas, a lot of big companies have also followed. The main reason for this is that we don’t have a state tax. There are many other preferential policies that attract the small and big businesses. We are also one of the very few   states that still has a surplus in the state budget. 


The population of Asian and Pacific Islanders is also surging. Additionally, many Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian populations are also increasing. These people mostly are bringing money to our area and starting new businesses and creating jobs for the community. 


We must admit that the national strength of the United States remains so strong today mainly because of the continuous injection of new immigrants and money. 


We are so gratified when we see so much busy traffic and the markets full of people. We are going to build the International Gate for all very soon.