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5/19/2023 星期五日记


中国国民党提名了现任新北市长侯友宜出任明年元月十五日之中华民国总统候选人 ,為国民党失去了八年的政权作奋战 。由於主张和中国大陆建立更密切之交往 ,国民党因而两次败北為在野党。

早在上月我们在访问台湾时立法院国民党团总召辞职曾铭宗就曾明确表示 ,侯友宜是最适当人选并会被提名,主要是他的民意支持度是最高的。

侯友宜警界出身 ,一直升到警政署长 ,曾经参与过陈水扁之三颗子弹枪击案 。他在接受徵召时说:“我们要团结获胜,现阶段我们的国家在国际情势兵兇战危 ,国内对立冲突 。”

老实说 ,这是自国民党在大陆战败迁移到台湾来 ,国内外情势最令人担心之时期 。由于中美关係及世界局势之丕变 ,台湾已经成為世界上最可能发生战争的地区 。

我们要大声呼吁海峡两岸及海外华人必须拿出智慧和力量 ,来共同努力解决台湾问题 ,我可以告诉大家 ,如果海峡两岸一旦发生战争 ,台湾之富豪及高官早就逃跑, 受害的是平民百姓 。

台湾政局已经十分清楚 ,如何化解两岸矛盾 ,各自保持自己之政治制度 ,何况台独是决不可能之未来。

我们也希望两岸有智慧的人士 ,继续推动和平行动 ,来解除战争之恐怖 ,看来只有如侯友宜当选政党轮替才会有实现之可能。

                                  The Historical Task   Faced By Hou Yu-ih 

The Koumingtang Party of Taiwan nominated 66 year-old Hou You-ih, the current mayor of New Taipei City, as their presidential candidate to run for president next January 15th for the party which has lost power for the last eight years. 

As early as last month when we visited Taiwan, a lot of politicians told us Hou is the most suitable candidate and would be nominated. 

Hou was a top police officer and was promoted to chief of police. He once participated in the three bullets shooting case of former President Chen Shui-bian.

When he accepted the nomination,     he said that, "We must unite to win. Our nation is in danger of war in the international situation, and we are also facing much domestic antagonism and conflict."

It is true. This is the most worrisome period since the KMT moved to Taiwan after its defeat on the mainland. Due  to the tensions between the U.S. and China, Taiwan has become the most likely region for war in the world.

We want to strongly call on the    people on both sides of all the issues to use their deepest wisdom to find        a peaceful resolution that will put an  end to the disasterous thought of      the horrors that would come with a possible war. It seems like now only the hope for peace is for the KMT to regain power and achieve this goal.