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应休斯敦英国总领事馆之邀请,我们代表几内亚政府参加了週六在休斯敦植物园中心举办之英王查尔斯三世加冕礼庆祝大会。来自休斯敦地区之外外领事团及各界人士数百人参加 ,庆祝大会上置放巨幅国王及王后肖像,并在庆祝会上演奏苏格兰歌曲供大家同楽。

查尔斯三世任王储长达七十年,是英国歷史上等待继位最长的继𠄘人 ,登基时已经七十五岁 ,亦是有史以来最年长的君主。

他是1981 年七月二十九日在圣保罗大教堂与戴安娜结婚,於1996 年解除婚约,戴安娜1997 年8月31日在巴黎的一塲车祸中丧生。

2005 年查尔斯和他旧情人卡米拉结婚,而成了王后。

并不是所有人都支持英国之世袭王位制度,他们有的认為世袭的国家元首既不民主,也带有精英主义之色彩 ,他们认為纳税人的钱可以用在更好的地方。

The Coronation Of King Charles III Of The United Kingdom

At the invitation of the Consulate General in Houston on the behalf of the Government of Guinea, we participated in the celebration of the coronation ceremony of King Charles III held at the Botanical Garden Center in Houston on Saturday. Hundreds of members of the Consular Corp and guests attended the party. A huge portrait of the King and Queen were placed on the grounds and the band played Scottish songs for everybody to enjoy.
Charles III served as Crown Prince for the last 70 years . He was the longest living successor in British History. He is 75 years old when he ascended the throne and also is the oldest monarch in history.
He married Diana in St. Paul’s Cathedral on July 29, 1981, and the marriage ended in 1996. Diana died in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In 2005 Charles married his old lover Camilla and now she has become Queen.
Not all the people support the British hereditary throne system. Some think that the hereditary head of state is neither democratic nor elitist. They think taxpayer money can be used in better places.