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社评0405 美国政治大戱正在上演

社评0405   美国政治大戱正在上演


当年是世界领袖的前总统川普今午走进了曼哈顿法院接受应讯, 对於指控的三十四项罪行他全然否认 。这是美国歷史上对总统提出诉讼之第一次, 这场政治大戱正在开演。

在今天的起诉书中, 主要内容是在二0-六年十月份川普曾透过其私人律师支付一笔十三万元之封口费, 而这笔费用是从川普机构中支出, 书中并指示川普集团做假账等不当行為, 下次审判时期定在十二月四日。

我们深感川普之司法官司将会為美国带来政治风暴,尤其是当前总统大选即将到来。 根据民意调查, 川普在共和党之民调支持度不降反而上升, 并且又再募得七百万元之捐款, 这种现象是非常令人担心的。

川普总统案件, 姑且不论是否可能定罪,但是必然会增加两党之尖锐对立,尤是是民主和共和両党在明年之大选中都志在必得, 也会出台更多之政治动作来争取选票,共和党在此次大选中, 仍然是川普一马当先, 民主党也趁此出招, 希望在选战中阻止共和党之锐气, 对拜登总统而言,如果他真的再度想连任,也是件非常艰难之挑战。

 Trump Pleads Not Guilty 

Former President Trump pleaded not guilty Tuesday to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to his alleged role in a hush money payment scheme to an adult movie star. This is the first time a former president has had to plead to criminal charges.

 When the judge asked for a plea,  Trump answered, “not guilty." The 

prosecutor told the court that Trump engaged in an Illegal conspiracy to aid his campaign and undermine the election. 

In a statement, NYC District Attorney Bragg said that his office alleges Trump, "repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 Presidential 


We deeply feel that Trump’s lawsuit will bring a political storm to our country affecting especially the upcoming presidential election. According to the latest polls, Trump’s support in the Republican Party has not decreased, but has increased, and he had raised another seven million dollars over the past few days.

Regardless of whether it will be possible for Trump to be convicted or not, the legal proceedings against him will inevitably increase the sharp opposition and division between the two parties.

We are the leading democratic nation in the world. All people are watching this unprecedented drama almost in disbelief. It is very shameful that we as a country have come so far as to have our former president involved in this level of legal proceedings.