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社评0313 德州休斯敦上演族裔大团结

社评0313  德州休斯敦上演族裔大团结


上週六上午在休斯敦斯坦福中心,近二十位来自华亚裔、非裔、拉丁裔、犹太裔主流社区的政界商界及宗教界领袖,在声乐家蔡玉高唱美丽的美国歌声中, 台上台下手牵手,首次在这个南方城市谱下了动人心弦的乐章,标誌着我们族裔大团结时代之来临。

由美国国会议员格林及赵美心领衔之「反对德州新土地购买法案群眾大会」,在大批支持者之欢呼声中掀起了巨大之反响, 我们的掌声和怒吼表达了心中之不满 ,对於这𠆤反华裔之法案将是重大之反击。


格林议员在大会上慷慨激昂表达坚决反对147 法案之决心, 赵美心议员更讲述自己也受到侮辱之经过, 我们唯有共同团结来反抗这股恶势力, 非裔牧师廸森在回忆自己早年如何得到华裔银行及善心人士之挺身相助,他才有今天龎大的教会组织。

今天之大会已经誏我们澈底的觉悟了, 公民权利是必须去争取得来的,  唯一大家守望相助, 携手合作 ,才能展现力量 。

We Are United With All Ethnic Communities 

Last Saturday, hundreds of political, business and religious leaders got together at Stanford Centre. To the sounds of “America The Beautiful," we were singing and holding hand-in-hand for the first time in our Chinese Asian community history. 

Led by U.S. Congressman Al Green and Congresswoman Judy Chu, a huge response was aroused and could be heard in the loud cheers of the large number of supporters. 

Congressman Al Green enthusiastically expressed his determination to oppose the Bill 147 in the Texas Senate. Congresswoman Judy Chu talked about how we can fight for our future. Pastor Nixon recalled how the Chinese American baker helped him to start a church. 

I also pointed out that the Asian business community will be severely hurt if this bill passes and many may need to close the doors of their businesses. 

Saturday’s rally helped us fully understand that our civil rights need to be respected and fought for. We must remain united as a group and show our strength.