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社评 0301 困扰中的德州第147案

社评 0301 困扰中的德州第147案



华亚裔社区领䄂週二下午和德州参议员柯赫斯(Texas Senator Kolkhurst )之法案起草人助理麦罗佛林(Grant McLoughlin) 举行了线上座谈会,就147 案进行交流 。但是双方仍然有诸多疑虑和差距。

此案之内容主要是禁止来自中国大陆 、伊朗、北韩和俄罗斯之公民在德州购买土地。 今天之会议中麦罗佛林表示会在法案中提出修正案,专门是指以上四国之政府单位而非个人。

我在会中特别指出休斯敦国际区过去二十年之发展,表明了华亚裔对社会之极大贡献,这片荒土变為商业区是移民在此投资创业之例子, 如果此法通过将严重影响华亚裔人士到德州投资之意愿。

我们决不可用国家安全為由, 全面封杀外国人之投资, 影响到德州经济之发展 ,不论法案如此修改 ,总是有反华之恶劣色彩, 对我们社区之就业 、経济会有巨大之冲击。

我们还是呼吁参议员柯赫斯应该悬崖勒马, 立即取消提出此法案 ,以免製造更多之族群矛盾。

The Troubles Of The Chinese American Community

A group of Asian Americans had a Zoom meeting with Mr. Grant McLoughlin, the legal assistant to Senator Kolkhurst who sponsored the Bill 147 in the Texas Senate.

The content and purpose of this bill is to mainly ban citizens from China, North Korea, Iran and Russia from buying land in Texas. In the meeting, Mr. McLoughlin said the current bill will be amended to refer to only those from the mentioned government bodies would be affected.

In the meeting, I pointed out that the development and progress of the Houston International District over the past twenty years shows that Asian and Chinese immigrants have made great contributions to our community shown by the dramatic transformation of raw land into a thriving commercial district. If this law passes, it will seriously affect the willingness of Chinese and other Asians in general to invest in Texas.

We must not use national security as a reason to ban foreign investment to hurt our economy. No matter how they modify the bill, it still represents an anti-Chinese American sentiment and will make a huge impact on our community.

We want to call on Senator Kolkhurst to cancel his sponsorship immediately to prevent Bill 147 from ever passing in order  to avoid creating any more ethnic conflict and to put to rest any additional confusion and uncertainty in the Chinese and other Asian communities.