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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0510

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0510



由美南新闻集团属下国际贸易中心主办的国际环球小姐选拔赛正在各族裔社区极积展开中 今天我们和越南裔 印度裔 华裔及拉丁裔社区再次举行了筹备座谈会 听取各族裔之筹备工作报告

美南国际贸易中心成立近二十年来 成為非营利性质之社区服务机构 过去曾经主办过许多大型国际活动 并且每年定期举办农历春节游园会 并於2018 年主办二次大战胜利七十週年大会 有二万五千名观眾参加 是海外华人主办的最大活动

多年来 该中心和莱斯大学及哈佛大学举办了德非贸易高峯及教育升学讲座 并经常和美国商务部 小商业局 进出口银行举办座谈会 曾経有超过一万家中小企业参加过国际贸易中心之大小活动

此次举办国际小姐选拔 将由各族裔商会社团及企业推荐 然后在美南环球剧坊集体培训 并参加九月二十四日之决赛 当选者将和美南电视签署合约 参加各项表演活动

我们十分期待并且有足够信心来办好这塲国际盛会 再度把各族裔佳儷带上国际

We Will Bring The ITC Miss International Beauty Pageant To The World Stage

The ITC Miss International Beauty Pageant selection process sponsored by the International Trade Center and Southern News Group is underway.

Today we held a second preparatory meeting with the Vietnamese, Indian, Chinese and Latino communities to update the event’s activities.

Over the last twenty years, the International Trade Center has become a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It has hosted many large-scale international activities including The Annual Lunar New Year celebration. In 2015 we hosted the 70th Anniversary Victory of World War II at Houston’s Minute Maid Park and the event attracted more than twenty- five thousand spectators. It was the largest gathering ever for Houston’s International community.

Over the years, ITC and Rice and Harvard universities have held the Texas African Summit as well as many education workshops. ITC also works with SBA’s import-export bank to sponsor all kinds of seminars for small businesses. More than ten thousand participants came to the events over the last twenty years.

Today we want to move on and sponsor the ITC Miss International Beauty Pageant, not just to promote international culture, but also we want to give away scholarships to our young students.