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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/13

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/13


病毒棬土重来 世局一片混乱

六名在印度已经接受种植疫苗者最近参加了德州休斯敦的一场婚礼还是被染上 其中一位接受过印度疫苖者还不幸去世


辉瑞製药的专家们透露 第三针之注射将会全面防堵病毒之传染

白宫防疫总顾问佛奇博士表示 截至目前我们还未得到证实需要多打针来对付变种病毒 不过他再度呼吁国人要立即注射疫苗 才能抗拒病毒之传染

传染性特强的三角洲变种病毒 正在席捲世界澳州许多城市再度实施封锁 马来西亚延长了居家令香港更限制了来自英国的航班

美国卫生官员表示 美国感染人数其中五分之一和三角洲变形病毒有关 这也是目前美国面对新冠疫情中最大的威胁

我们要再度呼吁国人们一定要尽快打疫苗 这是个利人利己的措施

全球在这场混乱之防疫大战中仍然无法得胜 世界上许多穷国至今还未得到任何支援仍由他们自生自灭 实在令人悲哀

从海地之悲惨处境亚太地区之不断冲突 美军撒除阿富汗 世界似乎越来越混乱 是天灾也是人祸

Delta Variant Outbreak Around The World

Six fully vaccinated people who attended a wedding party in Houston, Texas, came down with COVID-19. The study said it was suspected that the Delta variant was introduced at the wedding party by two people who had traveled from India and tested negative before their flight, but later developed symptoms in the U.S.

While in Australia, the COVID-19 cases have been surging in recent weeks. The government has tightened up the largest cities with a no-touch rule, limiting of outdoor gatherings, exercise and shopping.

As the Delta variant rapidly spreads, an expert warns that a surprising amount of death from the COVID-19 could soon follow. The United States is averaging about 19,000 new cases in the past week, a 47% increase from the week before. These came mostly from Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri and Nevada.

Pfizer’s scientists met with top U.S. health officials on Monday to discuss the drug maker’s request for federal authorization of third doses of its COVID-19 vaccines saying  that booster shots will be needed.

Dr. Antony Fauci didn’t rule out the possibility, but said it was too soon for the government to recommend another shot.

Just as millions of us begin to feel life is coming back to normal, this Delta variant emergence has put us back in the struggle against the pandemic.

We are urging all the people to be vaccinated, not just to protect yourself, but also to protect others.

We really cannot understand why the people don’t believe in the science and want to risk their lives to not vaccinate.

The world has become more chaotic. Because of what happened in Haiti, the conflict in the Asia Pacific region, the political situation in Afghanistan and all the other unstable situations around the globe--we all have reason to worry.