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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 06/25

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 06/25

我见 我思 我闻

观光胜地 飞来横祸


目击者说这像是一次大地震 事发后数十辆救护车到达现场把许多在阳台上的住户营救出来初步认定是附近新的建筑影响到这坐楼的地基下陷


此次住户大楼之塌陷在全国实属少见美国全国各地之大楼许多已经有五十年以上之歷史 尤其是在迈阿密观光城市许多新的更高之大厦都在改建其地基会影响到许多老旧的大楼


Tragedy In Paradise

In the town of Surfside in Miami-Dade County Florida, a 12-story condo building partly collapsed on Thursday morning. At least one person was confirmed dead and 51 persons are unaccounted for. Witnesses said the whole building shook like an earthquake, then the building was flat as a pancake in the dust.

More than 80 units of Fire and Rescue people came to the rescue. A boy was being pulled from the rubble and was yelling, but firefighters were able to rescue the boy.

The rescue crews used ladder trucks to rescue residents from balconies and have cleared all units that were not damaged in the collapse.

The White House released a statement hours after the horrific incident saying that the White House and FEMA are in contact with local officials to provide assistance if needed.

The Surfside condo collapse represents the reality that our nation’s infrastructure is long overdue. This building is over fifty years old as are many of our buildings in many major cities.

We fully support President Biden’s Rebuild America project. When we look at our airports, highways and bridges -- all of them need to be rebuilt.

We also want the owners of buildings all over the nation to check your property and make sure that the foundations and structures are sound so we don’t repeat this tragedy again.