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每日评论1007 這是我們團結之時刻

每日评论1007  這是我們團結之時刻


德州少數族裔行動委員會週末在翠西朱社區中心舉辦了一場政治對話會, 數十位社區領袖及政界人士有過一次坦誠而有建設性之對話。





  This Is The Moment For Our Unity

The Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition held a political dialogue at the Tracy Gee Center last weekend. Almost one hundred county leaders and politicians had a frank and constructive and straightforward dialogue together.
Congressman Al Green first warned about the upcoming U.S. presidential election and said that, "If we choose the wrong person, it will be a disaster for all of our ethnic minorities."

State Representative Gene Wu pointed out that more anti-Chinese and anti-immigrant bills are being proposed in the Texas House and Senate, and only if you have the yellow skin of an Asian, you cannot escape theses slamming and discriminatory bills.
Our other State Representative Ron Renault also is very sympathetic to the situation of Asians today. He said that if these bills were to pass, it will be a tragic misfortune for the entire country.

Today we want to appeal to everyone to vote because this is the most important action we can take to protect our rights and our interests. How to mobilize the immigrant community to vote is the most serious challenge that we face today. We need more manpower and resources to establish a fast and complete database to remind and urge our voters to vote.