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每日社评 0826 賀錦麗在總統大選民意調查領先川普

每日社评  0826   賀錦麗在總統大選民意調查領先川普


民主黨全國大會結束之後, 賀錦麗民意支持度再次領先川普,一項調查甚至領先七個百分點,川普陣營表示這是因為大會之宣傳效應。




     Harris Is Leading Trump In The Polls

After the end of Chicago‘s National Democratic Convention, Kamala Harris's public opinion polls were once again ahead of Trump. Some polls even showed her seven percent points ahead of Trump. The Trump camp said that it was because of the publicity affect of the convention.

So far, Trump has the support of 95% of Republicans, 33% of independent voters and 3% from Democrats, while Harris has received 95% from her own party, 38% from independents, and 2% from Republicans, which fully shows each party has returned to their own solid camp.

However, the gap between the two parties in various polls is within the margin of error of 3%. So for our Asian tiers, we definitely will play a key role in this election to determine who will be the winner.

We would like to appeal again to all our community members. You need to go and vote because it is for our future.