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每日社评:0726 我們正在走向兩極世界

每日社评:0726  我們正在走向兩極世界


以色列總理納坦雅胡昨天再次在國會發表演說,眾多反對者在現場和他居住之旅館焚燒美國國旗舉行大規模之示威,近百位民主黨國會議員拒絕出席,並公開譴責以色列在加薩之不斷進攻. 納坦雅胡說只要哈馬斯投降釋放所有人質他們將立即停火。




We Are Heading Toward A Bipolar World

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered a speech to the U.S. Congress yesterday. Many opponents held a large scale demonstration near government buildings and a nearby hotel where they burned the American flag. Nearly 100 Democratic congressmen refused to attend the speech and publicly condemned Israel‘s continuous attacks in Gaza. Netanyahusaid if Hamas surrendered and released all the hostages they would immediately cease fire.
Just as the U.S. presidential election is approaching, the Democrat and Republican parties have great differences on the issues of human rights, immigration, foreign and internal affairs and they also have different views on the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine.
Today as we open the map of the world, countries have begun to polarize and thesystem of globalization is gradually falling into disintegration. The history of human civilization is moving towards a new and unknown course. It is either a blessing or a curse and we all are waiting for the answer.