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每日社评:0725 培養下一代年青人是我們共同之責任

每日社评:0725 培養下一代年青人是我們共同之責任


上週末數十位年青學子聚集在休斯敦和幾內亞駐美國大使卡巴共度愉快之夜晚,我們從她們的歡笑中有了無限之感動, 這些還在高中唸書的華裔子弟,是我們未來社會之棟梁, 更是我們華亞裔之希望。

過去二十二年來, 美南國際貿易中心在大休斯敦及全美各地不斷展開各項貿易文化及教育之工作,卓有成績。但是我們深感培養年青一代稹極參加社區及主流之活動. 因而成立”ITC 領袖訓練學院”,禮聘政商各界領袖來傳授他們從政及從商之經驗。

在國際貿易中心之推動下,我們每月皆舉辦不同之社區表揚活動, 並且在十月三十日至十一月一日舉辦首屆休斯敦國際博覽會, 邀集世界各地希望到休斯敦來投資之人士共集一堂, 共商發展經濟之計劃。


Cultivating The Next Generation Of Young People Is Our Shared Responsibility

Last week dozens of young students gathered in Houston with Ambasador Kaba of the Republic of Guinea to the United States for an enjoyable evening. We were deeply moved by their laughter. These young students who are still in high school are the pillars of our future society and the hope of our comunities.

Over the past 22 years, the International Trade Center has been actively engaged in various trade, cultural and educational activities in greater Houston and across the United States. We have achieved remarkable results. However, we deeply feel that it is most important to cultivate the younger generation towards active participation in community and mainstream activities. Therefore, we established the “ITC Leadership Institute” and invited leaders from both the political and business sectors to share their experiences with these young people.

Under the promotion of the International Trade Center, we hold different community recognition activities every month, and will host the first Houston International Expo from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1 in Houston, Texas.

We are also very grateful that many of our supporters came together and made our dream come true.