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每日社评 0717 人溺己溺 做個社區義工

每日社评 0717 人溺己溺 做個社區義工

人溺己溺 做個社區義工

這是我們社區遭遇到如此長时間之停電災難,剛從國外訪問回來的州長艾伯特和休斯敦市長惠特曼在記者會上公開指責中央電力設備公司之失職,他們為了公司之營利目標而犧牲了客戶之利益,長久來之電線桿大部份失修而不堪一擊, 這次風災還是一級颱風就如此嚴重,令人難以置信。

為了表示對社區之關心,上週日中午邀集了國際區數位理事到各社區送出了七百份午餐,在許多公寓及老人中心都還沒有恢復供電, 他們在無冷氣空調及無新鮮食品之悪劣情況下,已經過了整整七天之久,我們的到來使他們有一份午餐和溫暖。


許多小型企業及餐飲業者受災最重,可能從此無法繼續经营, 我們盼望政府及民間伸出援手。

前事不忘 ,後事之師,我們必須面對現實來解決問題。

We Delivered Lunch Boxes 

To Our Community In Need

This is the worst power outage disaster to hit our community in a long time, and maybe the worst ever. Governor Abbott and Mayor Whitmire both publicly accused CenterPoint Energy of gross negligence at a recent press conference. The company totally overlooked the best interests of their millions of customers only wanting to fill their own pockets, it was charged. The State of Texas will now investigate the whole disaster.

In order to show our concern for the community, last Sunday our International District directors, Dr. Nancy Mai and Mr. Owen Wang and my wife Catherine and I accomplished delivery of 700 lunch boxes to apartments and senior centers in our area. All of these people have been without power for all of last week.

Many small businesses and restaurants have suffered the most from the hurricane disaster because without power, they simply have to close their businesses and can only hope for survival.

We are really looking for the government to help them now.