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每日社评 0702 創建 [美南新聞AI 傳媒領袖學院]之構想

每日社评 0702 創建 [美南新聞AI 傳媒領袖學院]之構想

創建 [美南新聞AI 傳媒領袖學院]之構想 

AI 人工教室/社群媒體教室/領袖人才教室

AI 人工智能之快速發展正在改變人類之生活方式,應用於各領域包括醫療保健、金融、教育、制造和娛欒,其中包括有個性化教育,疾病診斷,自動化流程及模擬游戱及電影等。


[ 美南新聞AI傳媒領袖學院 ] 之課程將分為三大部份:

A. AI人工智能教室,傳授人工智能基礎知識及人工智能編程開發和應用

B. 社群媒體教室,教授如何進入YouTube、 Facebook 等社群媒體為各行各業人士提高其知名度及經濟收益。

C. 領袖人才訓練營,為年青朋友教授演說、新聞播報課程, 並在休斯敦,華盛頓,波士頓,達拉斯,芝加哥等重要大城市安排訪問聯邦政府,民意代表,市長,州長及哈佛大學商學院等機構,和主流政界,學界,外交界進行交流,培養新一代之領袖政治人才


The Establishment Of The “Southern  News AI Media Leadership Institute” 
AI Artificial Classroom/Social Media Classroom/Leadership Classroom

The rapid development of AI artificial intelligence is changing the human way of life and is already being applied in various fields, including healthcare, finance, education, manufacturing and media entertainment. It includes personalized education, disease diagnosis, automated processes , simulated wandering and movies, etc., and much more.

In order to join the progressive trend of the times, Southern News Group has been catching up with the world’s progressive scientific and technological advancements over the past decades and has made great achievements in the media industry.
The courses of the Institute will be divided into three classes.
A. AI Artificial Intelligence Classteaching the basic knowledge of artificial intelligence and the development and application of programming.

B. Social Media Class.Teach students how to join YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms to improve their popularity and create economic benefits for people from all walks of life.

C. Leadership Class.Teach students how to make speeches and news broadcasting course, and arrange to visit federal, state and city governments and Harvard Business School and other important cities such as Boston, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Dallas, Seattle and communicate with local politicians, leaders and diplomatic circles to cultivate a new generation of leaders in the nation.
We have already invited many experts and professors to be on our team and additional details will be released in the near future.