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每日社評0621 美南傳媒迎接AI 時代之來臨

每日社評0621   美南傳媒迎接AI 時代之來臨

美南傳媒迎接AI 時代之來臨

在我六月十八日日記中所寫[我的父親]一文,今天由尤靜波先生以AI制作了視頻、語音、圖片及配樂,均由AI生成,這也是美南傳媒正式開始AI 時代,也印證世界正逐步進入新的紀元。

正如AI教父黃仁勳最近在其發表之談話中表示,我們正在走進人工智慧之時代,推動AI發展將會有潛力徹底改變我們的生活和工作方式, 目前應用非常廣泛的包括有醫學影像診斷、自動汽車駕駛、機器翻譯金融風險預測等,而且遂步向各行各業發展。



We Are Welcoming The AI Era

In an article written by Me  for my father on June 18, 2024, based on it , Mr. Yu Jimgbo, made a video with  AI and voice, pictures and soundtrack were all generated by AI. 

This also proves that the world is gradually entering a new era. As AI 'godfather' Jensen Huang said in his speech, "We are entering the era of artificial intelligence and as we promote the ongoing development of AI, we will have the potential to completely change the way we live and work."

At the present time, it is already being widely used including in medical imaging, automatic car driving, machine translation, financial risk prediction and it is being developed for applications for all walks of life.

Today we are trying to do some of our work by robots, and the collection of information so far 

is only at the size of a fingertip... and only at the 'tip of an iceberg.'

We are creating workgroups to welcome the new era of AI.