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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹




由於通貨膨脹,美聯儲繼續保持高利率導至全世界所有主要貨幣都輸給了美元 。目前之有三分之二之世界一百五十種貨幣相對美元貶值,此種情勢可能對全球經濟帶來嚴重之後果。

由於聯準會長久以來維持之高位利率, 世界各國投資者需要用美元購買美國資產, 大家都感受到資金流向美國猛烈趨勢。

日元兌美元正處於三十四年之最低位, 歐元也走勢萎靡 ,人民幣也有明顯之頹勢 ,聯儲變成了世界的央行。美國正處於兩難是降息支𣛟本國经濟還是保持高利以支持本國貨幣價值, 我們肯定的是 全球經濟之依賴性是無法獨善其身, 而美元所承擔之責任非常重要。

。The Impact Of U.S. Dollars 

The impact of U.S. dollars on the world economy is significant due to inflation and the Federal Reserve‘s maintenance of high interest rates. This has led to a depreciation of major currencies against the US dollar with two-thirds of the world’s currencies losing value relative to the US dollar. 

The situation could have serious consequences for the global economy. Investors worldwide are increasingly flocking to the US dollar as the Federal Reserve’s high interest rates have created a strong demand for US assets. 

The yen-to-dollar exchange rate is at a 34-year low. The euro is also weakening and the renminbi is showing signs of decline. The federal reserve has essentially become the world’s central bank. 

The US is facing a dilemma of whether to lower interest rates to support its own economy or maintain high rate to sustain the value of its currency. 

The US dollar position in the global economy is crucial, and its strength impacts not only the US, but also economies worldwide. Collaboration and cooperation among countries will be essential to address the challenges posed by strength of the US dollar.