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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日评论 0330 小人物的大志願

每日评论 0330 小人物的大志願


—— 我的歲月記憶

從孩提時代開始, 在我童年之記憶中,我和家人窩居在一個青山連依之異國土地,那裡沒有水電只有翠綠的山脈和家人之溫暖 ,在我幼小之心靈中種下了走出去看世界之決心 ,我早已知悉唯有堅強起來,才能面對挑戰。

時光飛逝, 當我日漸在大環境中不斷磨練成長, 家人之溫暖及世間之現實充斥在生活中之每一個環節之中, 一個始終不變之信念是—— 一切得靠自己去掌握。

今天我手中握有一份來自美國德州參議院由全體議員通過並由議長親筆簽署之褒揚文件, 文中詳述美南集團過去數十年對美國社區之貢獻, 其中特別講述國際貿易中心推動環球商貿文化活動, 是對國家社會之表率。

猶記三年前之新冠疫情對我之人生產生極大之衝擊, 因而決定每天撰寫日記短文,為我們所經歴之點滴留下記錄。

Small Big Guy Has Been In

—— My Memory Over The Years

Recalling my childhood memories, my family and I lived in Burma as refugees in a small village surrounded by tall, green mountains. There was no running water and no electricity and with only a view of nature and the loving warmth of my family. In my early heart, I planted a determination to go out and see the rest of the world. I have long known that only by being strong can I face the challenges ahead.

Time flies. When I was growing up in the always difficult and challenging environment of my youth, the warmth of my parents and the reality of the world outside constantly filled my thoughts in every stage of my life. A repeating belief I have always had is that if I ever hit it good, I must always be in control of myself.

Today I received a proclamation document from the Texas Senate that praised the contributions of Southern News Group and the International Trade Center in the promotion of global trade and cultural activities in our community. Over the past several decades we have been so proud to have become an important part of our community and we still continue to do so to this day. In the upcoming months, we

will be organizing and planning all the details for our first Houston International Expo that will connect our community to the world on October 30th through November 2nd.

The Covid-19 epidemic three years ago had a great impact on my life. I have since decided to write a daily diary and leave a record of what we have experienced and accomplished.