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社評0325 敢於築夢的人

社評0325  敢於築夢的人



週六上午一個風光明媚陽光燦爛的清晨, 由中山女中休斯敦校友們組成之隊伍, 從美南新聞廣場出發向十號州際公路西行, 途經西莉市約一個半小時車程,我們巴士在畢偉利市大街上的一家麵包店停下。 這間面積不大之店面 ,可是人氣沸騰, 生意興隆。這家店之創辦人牛曼可大有來頭, 他自稱是自己皇宮的皇帝, 並自建了一座佔地二十英畝之皇宮。

我們在櫃櫃台上繳付了二十美元之入塲卷之後, 巴士經市中心後不久即到達一座原始森林中, 一條泥沼小路僅夠巴士通過, 抵達後見到一座四面環水之古堡型皇宮, 參觀者已站滿了訪客。 一位導遊開始講述牛曼先生早年想要自稱皇帝之故事,他在多年前即告知父母及親友要在自己購買之二十畝土地上建造一座城堡式之皇宮,大夥以為他開玩笑。 他非常聰明地把自己在鎮上經營之麵包店和觀光皇宮結合, 要去參觀者必須先到店裡付費並免費招待午餐, 他此一生意經, 真的實現了自己的皇帝夢。

這座城堡式之建築物, 只有五千英尺, 堡內設有自己住的寢室及一些歐洲仿製之刑具, 一些房間都還未裝修完工, 看來他的財務情形不是太好。

行前一週從他家人處得知, 牛曼先生已於三月十三日不幸去世。 然而在家人之支持下皇宮仍然開放, 今天我們一群華裔來到了他的皇宮, 並献上一束白玫瑰花表示哀悼, 已是一項敦親睦鄰之國民外交。

牛曼先生完成了他的皇帝夢,我們體認到人人皆應有夢, 築夢成真,有夢真美。他帶着美夢而去, 此生應無憾矣。

People Who Dare To Build Dreams:

The Story of Mike Newman.

On one sunny and beautiful Saturday morning, a team of Houston alumni of Chungshan Girls High School set off from the Southern News Group offices and headed west to Interstate 10. It was about an hour and one-half drive through City of Sealy where our bus stopped at a bakery store on Main Street in Bellville where the store was full of people. The owner, Mike Newman, claimed to be the "King of the Palace" he built not too far from the bakery. 

After we paid $20 dollars at the counter, the bus arrived at a primitive forest and soon thereafter we passed the city center. A muddy path was just enough for the bus to pass. After arriving, we saw an ancient castle-shaped palace surrounded by water on all sides. On the waiting grounds, the guide began to talk about how the owner, Mr. Mike Newman, stated that his dream was to build a castle and that he wanted to live in it as a king. He was smart enough to combine his baking business with  the castle and charge admission and provide lunch to all the visitors. The building itself is only about 5,000 square feet and includes Mr. Newman's bedroom and some imitation torture tools. Some of the rooms have not yet been renovated. 

A week before our trip, we learned from his family that Mr. Newman, "The King," passed away on March 13th. With the support from family members, the castle is still open. 

Today we also presented a bouquet of white roses to his sister to express our condolences. 

Mr. Newman completed his dream and we realize that everyone should have a dream. It is so beautiful to build a dream. There should be no regrets in his life.