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社評 0322 紐約檢察長準備沒收川普資產

社評 0322 紐約檢察長準備沒收川普資產


紐約檢察總署已經向所屬西徹士特郡申請查封令, 將對前總統川普之高爾夫球場及位於曼哈頓之川普大樓進行查封。

一週前紐約法官印郭隆已經裁定要川普及其子女繳交四億六千四百萬元之罰款, 這項巨額款項让前總統川普無法籌足, 雖然他一直宣稱自已是億萬富豪, 這個天文數字也使他一籌莫展。

目前他只有三天時間籌足巨款, 否則他在紐約、 佛羅里達及其他城市之地產將被政府收押後再行拍賣,來償還許多官司之倍償金。


這位雄心勃勃要重返白宮的前總統, 這次可真踢到鐵板了, 要他拿出四億現款決非可能, 而許多金融擔保機構也拒絕幫忙, 如果他的川普大廈及莊園 、高爾夫球場都被拍賣了, 這会让他顏面失盡。

政治和金錢永遠是糾纒在一起 ,川普之大戱下週一即可揭曉了。

New York AG Is Ready To Seize Trump's Assets 

The Attorney General's office in New York has filed a judgement in Westchester County in preparation 

for an attempt to seize Trump’s golf course and estate located north of Manhattan.

The AG's action took place one week after Judge Arthur Engoron made an official $464 million dollar judgement against Trump, his sons and the Trump organization. 

Entering a judgement is the first step a creditor normally takes in an attempt to recover property. Finally, the next step would be to put a lien on the property and move it to a foreclosure status of all the related properties.

Trump now only has three days to satisfy the judgement and post the bond of over $400 million or 

face the seizure of his property.