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社評 0316 杜娟花開時

社評 0316  杜娟花開時


春天之已經來了, 隣居和後院的杜娟花綻放出艷麗色彩, 這是一個令人醉心和愉悅的時候 。但是只有短暫數週, 這些花卉即會逝去。

我們這一代的華人移民在此深耕已有數十寒暑, 許多人都是身帶數十美元從家鄉來到這陌生的土地追求美國夢, 大時代之變遷每一個人都有不同之理由遠走他鄉。

讀過文豪朱自淸之匆匆一文中說到:燕子去了有再來的時候,楊柳枯了有再青的時候, 桃花謝了有再開的時候, 但是聰明的你告訴我,我們的日子為何一去不復返呢? 過去的日子如輕煙被微風吹散了, 我留着些什么痕跡呢?

誠然當我們回首過去了的春天, 以往之激情和希望引導我們往前 ,多少艱辛歷程充滿了淚水和歡笑 ,許多人在築夢過程中有過跌碰之經歴, 但是我們始終是信心滿滿。

最近走訪了達拉斯和休斯敦街頭,遇見了一批年輕華人同胞他們正在大刀闊斧開拓商城, 餐旅及超市, 他們埋頭苦幹為我們華人爭光, 這像一場接力大賽, 我們要一代代奮力衝刺。 

 When Azaleas Bloom Again 

Spring time is here again. The Azaleas at the neighbor's house and in our backyard are gorgeous. This is a time of pleasure to enjoy them, but only for a few weeks and then the flowers will pass away. 

Our generation of Asian immigrants has been deeply rooted here for several decades. Most people just had a few dollars in their pockets when they came to this land to pursue the American dream. After reading the article by the literary giant, Zhu Ziqing, it said, “When the swallows are gone, there is a time to come back; when the peach blossoms are gone, there is time it will grow back; but when our days are gone, we will never come back.The past days are blown away by the breeze like light and smoke."

In our lives, many people have experienced falling and bumping in the process of building their dreams, but we are always full of confidence. 

Recently, we visited the streets of Houston and Dallas and met groups of hard-working young Chinese and Asian business owners. They are opening a lot of new businesses and will be a vital part of our community economy. We are so proud of them. They are really helping to continue our hard work in this land.